weigh dry or cooked?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi i am getting conflicting information about whether its best to weigh foods like pasta and rice dried or after cooking - can anyone help? thanks. Bev
I always weigh them dry (but make sure you use the right carb content for the uncooked food). This is because they can absorb different amounts of water when being cooked depending on how you cook them (al-dente will weigh less than cooked till they are soft).
I'm the same as Julian I weigh dry. i find that easy as pasta/rice is only for me so a single portion. i can see how it's harder if you are cooking for a family though
Hi thanks! The gem book only gives the carbs for cooked rice etc so as it doesnt give for 'dry' products i will have to go with cooked. It does make sense about how much water etc the rice absorbs though. Bev
I don't get the whole dry/cooked thing. Do the carbs in pasta change when cooked, if so how? Water has no carbs so the amount of water shouldn't change the carbs, should it?
Try checking out a GI Diet Book. They give carb values for a wide variety of things and are available from most good book shops (even seen them in the supermarket), or places like Amazon.

If you're not sure which one to get, a good library is sure to have a selection before you go and buy.
I don't get the whole dry/cooked thing. Do the carbs in pasta change when cooked, if so how? Water has no carbs so the amount of water shouldn't change the carbs, should it?

no the carbs don't change but the weight does, so 100g of uncooked rice will weigh more when cooked so you just need to make sure that you're using the right measurement.
I tend to think uncooked weight is more reliable as depending on how long you cook for the cooked weight may vary from what's quoted, less margin of error on uncooked.
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