Weetabix for lunch


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all, I was just wondering, can I have Weetabix with milk for lunch ? Without screwing my diet up, I am trying to do low-carb as I need to lose at least two stone and they say I shouldn’t have a very low carb diet. Any ideas, please? As I am on dapagliflozen and I’m only managing around 30/35 g of carbohydrate a day
Hi all, I was just wondering, can I have Weetabix with milk for lunch ? Without screwing my diet up, I am trying to do low-carb as I need to lose at least two stone and they say I shouldn’t have a very low carb diet. Any ideas, please? As I am on dapagliflozen and I’m only managing around 30/35 g of carbohydrate a day
That is well below the recommended amount of carbs if you are on that medication as many are quick to point out, you should read the leaflet in your medication.
What are you eating for the rest of the day, many would have to make a serious effort to be that low on carbs.
Have a look at this link for a more balanced low carb diet which is aiming at the suggested 130g per day which is what would be considered safe with that medication, I know a few who are fine with lower. https://lowcarbfreshwell.com/
Hi all, I was just wondering, can I have Weetabix with milk for lunch ? Without screwing my diet up, I am trying to do low-carb as I need to lose at least two stone and they say I shouldn’t have a very low carb diet. Any ideas, please? As I am on dapagliflozen and I’m only managing around 30/35 g of carbohydrate a day

Look through the recipes here @dado

They’re carb-counted so you can make sure you’re getting enough carbs for the dapagliflozin. Having too few puts you at risk of ketoacidosis.

You’ve probably had your lunch now but there’s nothing wrong with Weetabix if you fancy it. The carbs are on the box, then just add your milk carbs.
Hi all, I was just wondering, can I have Weetabix with milk for lunch ? Without screwing my diet up, I am trying to do low-carb as I need to lose at least two stone and they say I shouldn’t have a very low carb diet. Any ideas, please? As I am on dapagliflozen and I’m only managing around 30/35 g of carbohydrate a day
Why are you eating so low carb? I’d suggest you need to change either your diet or your medication.
One Weetabix is 13g carbohydrate so if you had the usual two, plus milk, that would most likely get you to your 30/35g per day in one hit. As has already been asked, why so low? Is that your choice or someone's suggestion?
One Weetabix is 13g carbohydrate so if you had the usual two, plus milk, that would most likely get you to your 30/35g per day in one hit. As has already been asked, why so low? Is that your choice or someone's suggestion?
No I was just trying to lose weight by losing the carbs I can’t get on with the diet mixes drinks so I’ve been avoiding bread potatoes all the other goodies and by the time I have the things you are allowed like fish or chicken or green vegetables salad stuff then as they don’t appear to have any carbs my total according to the nutria check app rarely rises above 67 grams
No I was just trying to lose weight by losing the carbs I can’t get on with the diet mixes drinks so I’ve been avoiding bread potatoes all the other goodies and by the time I have the things you are allowed like fish or chicken or green vegetables salad stuff then as they don’t appear to have any carbs my total according to the nutria check app rarely rises above 67 grams
A low carb dietary approach is not No carb.
Having a greater variety of veg and salads and adding fruit like berries will up your carbs a bit to be at a safer level because of the medication.
It maybe worth discussing with your nurse that if you are comfortable with so few carbs then you would be better not to have that medication and try diet only, that obviously depends on how high your blood glucose is.
No I was just trying to lose weight by losing the carbs I can’t get on with the diet mixes drinks so I’ve been avoiding bread potatoes all the other goodies and by the time I have the things you are allowed like fish or chicken or green vegetables salad stuff then as they don’t appear to have any carbs my total according to the nutria check app rarely rises above 67 grams
I too use NutraCheck which will have shown you that all vegetables have some carbs. Are you remembering to enter all your drinks and snacks as well as your meals as they all count towards your carb total? As you are on Dapagliflozin it is essential that you drink plenty of fluids. I aim for up to 3 litres a day, mainly peppermint tea, water and a couple of cups of coffee. What was your HbA1c on diagnosis, as knowing that will tell you, and us, how much work you need to do to reduce both weight and glucose levels? I aim for 75-90gm carbs a day, and manage a small slice of bread or a couple of small boiled potatoes. Ideally you should aim to be under 130gm carbs a day.
A low carb dietary approach is not No carb.
Having a greater variety of veg and salads and adding fruit like berries will up your carbs a bit to be at a safer level because of the medication.
It maybe worth discussing with your nurse that if you are comfortable with so few carbs then you would be better not to have that medication and try diet only, that obviously depends on how high your blood glucose is.
BUT!!!! - only suitable IF you happen to have Type 2 diabetes! If you DO actually have Type 1 diabetes - not whatsoever appropriate, usually.
I too use NutraCheck which will have shown you that all vegetables have some carbs. Are you remembering to enter all your drinks and snacks as well as your meals as they all count towards your carb total? As you are on Dapagliflozin it is essential that you drink plenty of fluids. I aim for up to 3 litres a day, mainly peppermint tea, water and a couple of cups of coffee. What was your HbA1c on diagnosis, as knowing that will tell you, and us, how much work you need to do to reduce both weight and glucose levels? I aim for 75-90gm carbs a day, and manage a small slice of bread or a couple of small boiled potatoes. Ideally you should aim to be under 130gm carbs a day.
Hi thanks for the info my HbA1c was 90
My was 104 and 39 in 3 months. A bit too fast. All these diets very confusing but I'd say you won't go far wrong if you focus on eating enough protein and vegetables to keep you going on 2-3 meals per day. Maybe the most important thing is to set yourself a target, then choose a dietary plan that suits you and stick to it.

I like David Unwin's approach and Freshwell's food list but, after losing all that weight, I kept coming back to the principles outlined in this article and then wished I had seen them before.
There are no foods or macro/micro-nutrients that cause weight gain or loss. It's all about energy in/out.

At a macro level that's obviously correct. When you look into the detail patterns of eating come into it, so it seems.
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