Week 6 into the programme

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
So I’m half way through the first phase and I’m struggling with it. I just feel hungry.
Also I’m mentally low at the moment with personal things and that makes me reach for rubbish.
I don’t really have anyone around me to help support.
Hi. Well done for getting half way! That is probably the most difficult part done. Have you lost much weight so far?
If you are hungry and tempted to reach for rubbish, try to have a big plateful of something healthy instead, even if it is off plan, it is better to eat some protein and veggies than chocolate and crisps or whatever. Make yourself a big omelette and have it with salad and coleslaw or whatever. Something simple and satisfying.
Can totally relate to losing it and wanting to comfort eat when life gets a bit tough but you have made it this far, so it would be a real shame to throw that progress away. Focus on the positives and whatever success you have achieved so far, find something healthy and filling to combat that hunger and take it one day at a time from today. You can do this and we are all behind you!
Hi. Well done for getting half way! That is probably the most difficult part done. Have you lost much weight so far?
If you are hungry and tempted to reach for rubbish, try to have a big plateful of something healthy instead, even if it is off plan, it is better to eat some protein and veggies than chocolate and crisps or whatever. Make yourself a big omelette and have it with salad and coleslaw or whatever. Something simple and satisfying.
Can totally relate to losing it and wanting to comfort eat when life gets a bit tough but you have made it this far, so it would be a real shame to throw that progress away. Focus on the positives and whatever success you have achieved so far, find something healthy and filling to combat that hunger and take it one day at a time from today. You can do this and we are all behind you!
thank you @rebrascora
It’s been hard but I want to try and stick to it.
I’ve lost just over a stone. I was expecting more but that’s still good in itself.
I had a blip weekend before last and eat a meal as I was stressed out.
Got stuff going on and the way I deal with it normally is emotional eating.
Maybe I’ll try something low calorie wise. I been trying to keep motivated and busy so I don’t think about it. But it’s hard. I’m currently off work due to an on going injury.
Losing a stone in 6 weeks is really brilliant, so do recognise how well you have been doing so far. I am sure you feel physically better for not carrying that weight around and clothes must be feeling looser. I know it is really hard when you feel the need to comfort eat. I find a hot drink can help but finding ways to distract yourself and keep busy is also really important when the cravings strike.
Sorry to hear that you are off work with an injury. Hope it starts to recover/repair soon.
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