weddings = potentially difficult

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Much missed Moderator
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I may have mentioned before that the situations I find most difficult in life are weddings. Even before diabetes, I didn't like the dressing up, posh behaviour, long car journeys, very late evening meals etc. Not that I mind long drives to mountains or coast, irregular food, wearing clothes that some people would find odd for adventure racing, mountain marathons etc.
Anyway, tonight I'm driving from Cambridgeshire to North Yorkshire - only about 3 hours. As always, I'll drive all the way, as my partner without diabetes doesn't have any interest in getting a driving licence. However, that's an easy drive. We're camping, as the wedding is at a farm, which is far preferable for us than staying in a hotel. Taking welly boots to cover lower parts of legs in case grass is wet and / or muddy, then can change footwear on paved surface. I spoke to my Mum last night as it's her birthday, and she very helpfully told me the time of the evening meal "as I know you like to know". I'd already asked to borrow a handbag (with shoulder strap, large enough for insulin & blood test kit, wallet, car keys, muesli bar & sweets) from her, as I don't own one, and last needed it 2 summers ago for a presentation at Buckingham Palace, so don't want to buy something I'll only use for 1 day every 2 years.
Packing for, and marshalling at, next weekend's adventure race will be a doddle in comparison!
Weddings can be difficult as you never now how many courses, what you are going to be served the time frame.

My youngest brother married in France and French weddings last 2 days. You have the first day with civil, then church wedding, followed by the Vin d'honeur then photos then reception. Between courses they have songs and/or games so the eating bit lasts several hours. Then the carbs aren't easily identified, lots of bread, little in the way of potato then sugar hidden in sorbets and profiteroles. I had to try and just deal with each course separately.

I forgot to take my lantus with me to the reception, its not something I would normally carry - so had to leave early.

PS - the second day is more for the immediate family and the food is buffet style.

You will probably enjoy things more than you expect.
...........We're camping, as the wedding is at a farm, which is far preferable for us than staying in a hotel............
Wow - I've never been to a camping on a farm wedding! That sounds quite some experience. 🙂 In days gone by, we used to camp a lot - however these days, I prefer an hotel. 🙄

Yes, Margi, I didn't mention that the wedding service and ceidhl on Friday will be followed by family meal on Saturday. But I enjoy ceidhl dancing far more than other wedding dancing. I always have a cartridge of long acting insulin in my pencil case with short acting pen, so never have to leave early for that reason!
Last year another cousin got married in Lancashire, also on a Bank Holiday weekend, so I drove up to Lake District on Friday, helped with registration of a 3 day foot race, camped Fri night, took a control point to deploy on Sunday morning, drove to Lancashire on Sat morning for service, then drove to hotel for reception (my parents treated me to a room), drove back to Lakes on Sunday, parked car, ran straight up a hill to place a check point, then back down to farm field to await arrival of other marshals, then runners. Lucky partner didn't have to come to wedding, as he was running.
Anyway, shouldn't be any more cousin weddings now (8 cousins & my sister all married), but there might a few comments about why my partner and I haven't got married - answer, because we don't like weddings! I know there are ways round that, but still not convinced it's necessary.
Wallycorker - I definitely prefer camping to hotels; in fact was quite shocked when I met an old adventure racing friend recently, who married last summer, and says he & his wife (also involved in adventure racing) no longer camp - what a waste of all the kit they were given! Must admit, that use of his wife's insulated mug was helpful while I was driving, as it had a better shaped bottom than my insulated mug, and fitted better into cup holder.
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