We need the bad times to enjoy the good times

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I was feeling sorry for myself last week after being told that I need holes lasered in my eyes next week and within the next 10 to 15 years max will need surgery that could mean that I lose my sight..........but the bad times really do mAke the good times so much beter ie I've really enjoyed and loved my birthday celebrations that I have already made last three days even though it's not my birthday until today!!! I'm in a really good mood and don't care that this is my 40th birthday with diabetes.........it hasn't stopped me from enjoying champagne and looking forward to birthdays cake!!!
hey happy 40th first of all lang, your post is so right, we all have bad times and dark days, but then when something good in your life happens it really does out do the bad times , lovely i feel cheered up already x


ps enjoy your day,save a glass for me lol
the one thing that I know there's no point getting me down is my diabetes - it's the only thing in my life that is 100% guaranteed! (now that's a scary thought!) and no matter how much I hate it, it's inconvenient etc...no amount of thinking about it is going to get rid of it, so why waste my time.

on a good day, I don't think about it, on a bad day I want to turn into a good day, I try and see it as a challenge.

good luck with your ops, and I hope they all go well, and happy birthday!!!
Happy birthday, AJLang! What you say is so true, I admire your positive approach to life.
Happy 40th AJ. You're absolutly right, if we didn't have bad times, we'd never get to enjoy the good ones.
Hope you have a very happy birthday! Sometimes it can be very hard to stay positive, not knowing what the future might bring, but your post brings a lot of strength to others - me included 🙂 Have a brilliant day, and I hope that the surgery is successful and uneventful next week, I will be thinking of you.

Happy birthday. And hope the surgery goes well - there's every chance it will ensure good eyesight for years to come.

A bit different, but a couple of nights ago, I stayed at Newcastle Youth Hostel, at the end of walking Hadrian's Wall solo. I met a husband and wife, husband was full time carer for his wife, who had both type 1 diabetes and epilepsy, with no hypo awareness, nor warning symptoms for fits. I felt very lucky (and it does seem to be mainly luck / genetics, with a small amount of hard work at maintaining good control) that I am still able to hike 70 miles solo, when partner & friends were not free when I had time off, before the winter. Just hoping nothing untoward is discovered at anual review next week. However, husband and wife were having a good time, visiting friends and tourist sites, so will take whatever comes my way, like they do.
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day.

I'm having a bad time at the moment, and very much looking forward to some good times!
Happy 40th, sounds like you'll having a good old celebration there wayhey...

Having diabetes is a bit like having kids..

There are times when they make you proud as punch, and others you want to hang your head in shame... And don't tell me about teenage years, my oldest is very suprised that I didn't actually throttle her as a teenager and managed to hang in there and get both of us through a very tough time..
So true, fortunately for me I have no major problms apart from a bit of retinopathy, but its the other people in your life that matter and make you happy..........so if your alone in the world, get out and in amongst it........:D
you know when i first read this I thought it was your 40th year of being a diabetic not your 40th birthday, hmmm still not sure 😉
you know when i first read this I thought it was your 40th year of being a diabetic not your 40th birthday, hmmm still not sure 😉

It is my 40th year of being a diabetic (I go it when I was two) but when everyone started writing such lovely messages I didn't want to correct them...............so it is my 42nd birthday and I've had diabetes for 40 of them

Thank you very much everyone for all of your lovely messages
It is my 40th year of being a diabetic (I go it when I was two) but when everyone started writing such lovely messages I didn't want to correct them...............so it is my 42nd birthday and I've had diabetes for 40 of them

Thank you very much everyone for all of your lovely messages

Well happy 42nd birthday then! I hope im still as positive as you are when ive had diabetes for 40 years 😉 only 19 more to go :D x
Oops sorry AJ nice of you not to correct us though hehe
happy 42nd birthday x
Agree wholeheartedly with you we do need the bad times, it makes you appreciate the good times even more 🙂

Happy 42nd Birthday AJ, enjoy!!
Happy birthday which ever one it is. It is good to celebrate.
Hope you had a great birthday! 🙂

Love the positive attitude! Lasering can be a bit of a challenge to feel positive about (don't ask my hubby what I'm like before a laser session lol!) but you've got the right attitude I reckon - carpe diem (however you spell it!) & all that..! 🙂 Lets hope you prove the docs wrong & retain good eyesight for many many more years.

Twitchy xxx
Happy bday, hope it's one to savour!
Hope you've had a great birthday! :D
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