We must all fight the deadly ignorance about Type 1 diabetes

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
To mark the recent World Diabetes Day, the London Assembly called on the Mayor to do more to increase awareness of the symptoms of Type 1 diabetes among children and young people, and ensure all parents can recognise the symptoms.

The frightening levels of ignorance about Type 1 diabetes leaves those children who suffer from the disease fighting a battle on two fronts.
If you speak to any of the 29,000 children in the UK with diabetes, you will hear how at least half have experienced bullying in school and not only by their classmates.

There are examples of teachers saying they can?t eat in class or sending them unattended to the school office when they are having a hypo.
They can also face being excluded from activities and school trips, and at worst, schools have been known to refuse admission to children with Type 1 because they (the school, not the child) can?t cope with a condition that requires injections during the day.

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