We love the NHS too much to make it better

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
We adore our NHS so much that any criticism smacks of disloyalty ? even eccentricity. So after the Mid Staffordshire scandal, how do we talk about what really needs to change, asks Roger Taylor.

Next month the NHS in England undergoes one of the biggest restructurings since it was first created. Responsibility for the service is being moved from the Department of Health to a new "NHS commissioning board"; budgets are, in theory at least, to be put more into the hands of GPs; and the NHS will focus on improving "outcomes" rather than meeting government "targets". The changes come just weeks after the results of a public inquiry damned the "culture of the NHS" for failing to protect patients from appalling standards of care.

It's hard to talk about I agree with that totally, mostly down to the media though. Anytime nurses or doctors are mentioned in our press they tend to be angelic nurses sent from heaven or heroic doctors single handedly fighting the worlds evil. We seem to have lost sight of the fact that they are indeed well paid proffessionals that should be able to meet a few minimum standards.

That said most are bloody good at what they do.:D
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