Water Patches Freestyle Libre

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I am just at the back end of my vacation in Kefolonia having taken the Grand Kids have spent weeks permanently in the pool with Freestyle Libre, I never recommend anything but I just thought this might be useful to someone who is going on holiday and spending time in the sun and water, I have been previously and lost sensors, these feel just like skin and have been thoroughly tested, just thought it might be useful IMG_20230830_134253.jpgIMG_20230830_134212.jpg
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Hopefully they have a hole in the centre? It’s recommended not to use patchesthat completely cover the sensor in plastic as the central hole should be uncovered to allow the skin to breathe.
Of the many such devices when you search for "Water Patches for Freestyle Libre" on Amazon you just need to select one that is "waterproof and breathable." Most do, as far as I can see.
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