Watches that work with Libre 2

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I know some people with diabetes use expensive smart watches with the Libre 2, so they can see there readings. Anyone used a cheap smart watch and got good results on it?
I believe you need to use an unofficial app like xSrip on your phone. I am not aware of a mechanism to just use a watch for scanning so you need to use an app that receives and transmits Bluetooth

But you can pretty cheap watches. I have a miiband which can show readings from xDrip.
I'm using the Diabox app that shows blood sugars on my phone every minute is that like xDrip?
I'm using the Diabox app that shows blood sugars on my phone every minute is that like xDrip?
Yes. I only mention xDrip because it is what I am using.
I do not know Diabox. I am sure there is a user group (xDrip has a facebook group) that you can ask about integration to a smart watch.
Most people on this forum use the official LibreLink app.
Most crowd developed Open Source software projects such as these have a github repository for the executable and documentation.
I know xDrip facebook page directs you to their's. I suspect Diabox has something similar. If you can locate this, it will probably include instructions for directing their results to their watch ... as I said, it doesn't have to be an expensive watch just one with the appropriate software interface.
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