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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I am sitting here at my PC with my Levemir Flexpens in the cupboard beside me. I hate waste and I also dislike injections. But I now have 5 used pens (2 with about 25 units, 3 with 50ish units). I guess I'll have to have 2 injections from 2 pens to get my 60 units. At what point do you throw your pen away? I imagine getting down to 6 pens with 10 units each:(
Nursey told be if it's less than what you need to inject then bin it. The principle she was on about is you may forget how much you've put in and forget to put the next lot in. I try and whittle them down to the end, I use a lot less than some but would happily throw a cartridge away with up to 10 units in it.

I go until I can't get anymore out of my cartridges. If I see my Novorapid is running low (to the orange line on the cartridge) I'll put another cartirdge in the pencil case I keep everything in. If it runs out halfway through a dose, the pen stops at whatever amount you've missed (if that makes sense?!) so I find it easy to remember how much I need to take.

I do my Lantus before bed and when I wake up, and I'm always at home, so if it runs out I can just grab another cartridge from the fridge.
I regularly try to inject more than is left and end up with an extra injection to catch up 😡 so when I notice I am getting close to the end, I don't mind leaving more than I need as I feel it all kind of balances up in the end. 🙄
To cut down on landfill waste you could change to Novopens and cartridges? Seems more environmentally friendly to me 🙂
On the 10th of each month, I change my NR cartridge and my Lantus pen, regardless of what's in it, because I was told to chuck it after a month 🙂

I was totally boggled for a moment, then I remembered the tiny amounts of insulin you're on! I was thinking "oh sensible, chuck it after a month...wait, mine don't last a month!"

Reminds me of London when we compared our cartridges - we'd both used about half a cartridge, except it had taken me about 4 days, and you nearly a month 😛
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