Waste of time appointment

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

So I thought I was having my first diabetic nurse appointment today. The nurse thought it was an annual checkup and I'd be diabetic for years. She didn't know much about diabetes. She is going to speak the diabetic nurse tomorrow in case she missed anything she did recommend me going on Metformin and doing a course but couldn't really give much information because she just didn't know much.

I just feel like it was a waste of time I still don't know anything or got any answers

I think I'm actually going to cry I'm so fed up.

Kate x
Good grief! What a shambles. It might be worth trying to get at least a phone appointment with the actual diabetic nurse, explaining that you are new to diabetes and you need to speak to someone who is qualified to answer your questions.
So sorry the system has let you down like this. It's often said on here that it is a postcode lottery on how your diagnosis and treatment is handled.
Good grief! What a shambles. It might be worth trying to get at least a phone appointment with the actual diabetic nurse, explaining that you are new to diabetes and you need to speak to someone who is qualified to answer your questions.
So sorry the system has let you down like this. It's often said on here that it is a postcode lottery on how your diagnosis and treatment is handled.
Thank you, I'll see what happens tomorrow when the nurse I saw today has spoken to the actual diabetic nurse. If I feel that I haven't got anywhere I'll call the surgery and tell them I need to speak to the right person
The nurse thought it was an annual checkup and I'd be diabetic for years.
You will be diabetic for years, as you’ll always be diabetic for the rest of your life, even if you’re fortunate enough to ever achieve remission.
You will be diabetic for years, as you’ll always be diabetic for the rest of your life, even if you’re fortunate enough to ever achieve remission.
I think @KT85 meant to type that the nurse thought she’d been diabetic for years, I suspect Autocorrect was being less than helpful!
@KT85 I would suggest, since diabetes is a largely self-managed condition, that you aim to become your own expert on the subject, taking appropriate advice from those whose job it is to dispense it. This may take some time, not surprisingly.
I think you are right, I know a little bit already (Dad was T1and so is nephew, sister was T2) plus I've been researching on the DiabetesUK website since I was diagnosed. I think I knew more than the nurse I saw today.
I think you are right, I know a little bit already (Dad was T1and so is nephew, sister was T2) plus I've been researching on the DiabetesUK website since I was diagnosed. I think I knew more than the nurse I saw today.
You probably did. My doctor had never heard of low carb eating!!!
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