Was to get a pump

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Well all keed up for Thursday now been told bloods are not back and have to wate untill Doctor comes back off holiday end of September -Octobur.
Dont know anything about pumps.
Dident get mutch info just that they had one and it was pink and I could get it on the 18th 😡

My advise that you phone your DSN and demand what explination they are unfairly using an unreasonable excuse to prevent you from starting on a pump.. As you don't need a blood test before going on a pump... Any bloods taken before pumping is purley a marker to what you starting HbA1c is not a method to determine if you can have one!

As well saying that you have to wait until the consultant is back off holiday in well over a months time is another load of rubbish, as he's will not be doing your training of pumping, so whether he's on his holidays doesn't make any difference at all..

I personally think they are fobbing you off

My advise that you phone your DSN and demand what explination they are unfairly using an unreasonable excuse to prevent you from starting on a pump.. As you don't need a blood test before going on a pump... Any bloods taken before pumping is purley a marker to what you starting HbA1c is not a method to determine if you can have one!

As well saying that you have to wait until the consultant is back off holiday in well over a months time is another load of rubbish, as he's will not be doing your training of pumping, so whether he's on his holidays doesn't make any difference at all..

I personally think they are fobbing you off
YE I thought that as well but gess ILL just have to wate and see havent got a time ore anything she just said she would send a new appointment to me soon
I wouldn't phone......I would go and see your DSN in person....you ARE being fobbed off!! Remember it is your PCT that is involved with you getting a pump. Your DSN should be able to give you your pump and give you the necessary training, for me I got my pump, a quick hour or so with my DSN....then it was fitted and I was playing golf 4 hours later (not recommended! 😉) Good luck......sometimes you have to put your foot down and push a bit harder!
Hi I have been reading your threads with interest as I live in Cumbria and have recently got a pump - (although not from the Whitehaven hospital) hopefully I can shed some light on what the medics are up to as I feel as if I had to wait a very long time before I got a pump. The blood test which have been done if I recall are to make sure that you have no problems with things like your thyroid, or that you do not have huntingtons disease etc - these are things which could affect your diabetic control, so they just want to rule everything out before they go ahead on the pump. My reckonin was if I had any underlying illnesses then perhaps by treating those my sugar levels could become better, and I may therefore not need a pump. So its important that these results come back first and the consultant needs to look at them to make sure everything is ok before you start on the pump.

I do share your frustrations however as if you were all geared up to go on Thursday and now its not happening - you must feel like the rug has been pulled from under you - Grrrrrr! 😡

I didn't get a choice of pump either - and am on the Minimed Paradigm Veo - I got a clear one - again no choice. I know someone who got a pump from Whitehaven Hospital and they got the same pump as me, but a black one and I know they do pink ones too, so chances are you too may get the same type of pump.

I would take heed of the advice given on this site though and phone your DSN and ask for an explaination, as it would seem that the information you have been given has been as clear as mud. :confused:

Good luck and keep us posted as to how you get on.
Hi I have been reading your threads with interest as I live in Cumbria and have recently got a pump - (although not from the Whitehaven hospital) hopefully I can shed some light on what the medics are up to as I feel as if I had to wait a very long time before I got a pump. The blood test which have been done if I recall are to make sure that you have no problems with things like your thyroid, or that you do not have huntingtons disease etc - these are things which could affect your diabetic control, so they just want to rule everything out before they go ahead on the pump. My reckonin was if I had any underlying illnesses then perhaps by treating those my sugar levels could become better, and I may therefore not need a pump. So its important that these results come back first and the consultant needs to look at them to make sure everything is ok before you start on the pump.

I do share your frustrations however as if you were all geared up to go on Thursday and now its not happening - you must feel like the rug has been pulled from under you - Grrrrrr! 😡

I didn't get a choice of pump either - and am on the Minimed Paradigm Veo - I got a clear one - again no choice. I know someone who got a pump from Whitehaven Hospital and they got the same pump as me, but a black one and I know they do pink ones too, so chances are you too may get the same type of pump.

I would take heed of the advice given on this site though and phone your DSN and ask for an explaination, as it would seem that the information you have been given has been as clear as mud. :confused:

Good luck and keep us posted as to how you get on.

??????? :confused: Insulin is insulin....whether delivered by pump or MDI....shouldn't make any difference!!
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