WAs this the right thing to do ?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Still playing around with night time basal rates got up at 1.20 and blood was 4 so i just put a temp basal rate of 70% for 4 hrs just got up and blood 8.1 , was this the right thing to do ? will have to bring the hours leading up to 1 am down a bit now 🙂
In this case - yes it was the right thing to do. But do remember that if you want to change basals - it takes up to 2 hours for any effects to show. I would suggest what you could do is to do some night time basal tests. It could be that you are 4 all through the night which would be great - but you dont know what would have happened if you hadnt reacted. Normally most people drop at 3am - so perhaps set your alarm and check at this time to see if your staying steady or dropping/rising. I wouldnt make the change yet for your low of 4 as it could have been a one off or due to food bolus being out - try checking a couple of nights to see if there is a pattern. But taking the decision to do 70% for 4 hours was definately a good choice - its hard to make these choices in the middle of the night isnt it - but once you have done it a few times you get to *know* what works for you. I now *know* that if Alex is hovering around 5 at midnight - he needs 85% for three hours and then wakes on nice levels of 6 or so.🙂Bev
Think Bev is right, you need to do some tests. personally i would have had a little snack rather than change basal, thats just me.
Yep nothing wrong with doing that at all.

I'm the same as tracey with a little snack, but experience tells me that it's a one off for me any way...

As bev says, 3am and 2 hours are both good starting points, between 2-3am for most is the lowest ebb for all hormone production (ask most nightshift workers, most will say between these hours is when they struggle to stay awake) the 2 hours doesn't work for me, I change around an hour before but that me, I do like to be the odd one out🙂

Basal testing is a pain to do, specially at night but I do have a little tactic called hubby, I get him to wake and do one or two tests for me (I acutally can sleep through having my finger pricked) and he will only wake me if needs be..
Ellie what a great hubby! Sure it helps that he is diabetic too.

Made my Oh do a bg on me once to make sure he knew how do do it, he stabbed me (not literally), but couldnt work out what to do with the blood as he forgot to put a test strip in. 🙄
Sounds like you did the right thing exactly. Your basals look like they need a little attention but not too much. Doing well there!

Bed timr readings between 5 and 7 , went hypo 3.4 this morning at 1ish treated that with a couple of sips of lucozade didnt changwe basal settings and got up at 7.8 🙂
Bed timr readings between 5 and 7 , went hypo 3.4 this morning at 1ish treated that with a couple of sips of lucozade didnt changwe basal settings and got up at 7.8 🙂

It looks like a pattern then! You need to do a test and tweak the basal around 11ish? Just my opinion though.
Thank you tracey 🙂 will give it a go
Thank you tracey 🙂 will give it a go

If it was me, and I knew there was no bolus at work i would lower after the two readings you have had, but test it also. Good luck.
Thanks lowered basal rates between 10 and 1 am to start with 🙂
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