Wart removal for diabetes

A Man

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
About 6 montgs ago, I removed a wart at the base of my thumb. I used a solution that effectively burnt the wart away but caused considerable damage to the surrounding skin.

The wart has returned in the same place and, on reflection, I don't think it is a good idea to cause tissue damage by burning skin away again even if it at least temporarily removes my wart.

I have done an Internet search on "wart removal for diabetics" but an Amazon page comes up selling the same types of product that I am trying to avoid. The search clearly doesn't take diabetes into account despite it being a key part of the enquiry.

I'm really posting as a warning to check whether search results reflect diabetic needs rather assuming that they do based on the wording used in the search.

I would also be grateful if anyone could point me towards any wart removal products that are suitable for diabetics.
About 6 montgs ago, I removed a wart at the base of my thumb. I used a solution that effectively burnt the wart away but caused considerable damage to the surrounding skin.

The wart has returned in the same place and, on reflection, I don't think it is a good idea to cause tissue damage by burning skin away again even if it at least temporarily removes my wart.

I have done an Internet search on "wart removal for diabetics" but an Amazon page comes up selling the same types of product that I am trying to avoid. The search clearly doesn't take diabetes into account despite it being a key part of the enquiry.

I'm really posting as a warning to check whether search results reflect diabetic needs rather assuming that they do based on the wording used in the search.

I would also be grateful if anyone could point me towards any wart removal products that are suitable for diabetics.
I would suggest you ask the pharmacist for advise. But it is likely that whatever you use will cause some tissue damage and it is that aspect that is often slow to heal if blood glucose is elevated.
Warts are caused by a virus and they can often go away on their own.
My friend had a warts on her hands and a gypsy as we could call them in those days told her to bathe her hands in water that had had sliced potatoes soaked in it. Indeed they did go away.