Walk To Cure Diabetes

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Posted this on events too, and posting it here so lots and lots of people see it!

I'm doing the JDRF Walk To Cure on 26th Sept (I might run it, but we'll see XD) and have set up my justgiving page today!


Target is ?300 so if anyone can help that would be awesomesauce! I'd love to smash it to smithereens and get way way more so if you can dig deep and find me some coppers to help out JDRF then that would be pretty epic too :D
Done, good luck :D xxx
Bumping this 🙂


Come on guys :D I need all the help I can get :D
Bumping this again. Unfortunately my efforts elsewhere seem to have fallen mostly on deaf ears - family not interested and I don't think many at work are either. I don't think I'm going to hit my target :(
Bumping this again. Unfortunately my efforts elsewhere seem to have fallen mostly on deaf ears - family not interested and I don't think many at work are either. I don't think I'm going to hit my target :(

Hi Sam, my experience is that it's very much early days yet, so don't lose hope of hitting (or exceeding!) your target 🙂 I've found that people are often very last minute about sponsoring, so you should expect a surge in support nearer the time. For now, you've planted the thought in many people's minds. Why not keep the thread updated with weekly reports of progress on your road to fitness? People like to see 'the journey' 🙂
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