Walk in the park?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Does anyone here do the Diabetes UK walk in the parks, London?

I had leave of my senses last year and ran the London 10k for diabetes UK, and all along they have hidden this much easier, more sociable and less painful way to raise a few quid from me....

It might be fun to see whose who if anyones interested? :)
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I am interested in doing one this year, never have before. All depends on my shifts, unless I decide well in advance and request the day off. Maybe if a few of us want to do one we could arrrange to meet up and walk togther
I keep doing charity things for Cancer research etc but never for Diabetes. I'd love to try a 10k run. Does anybody know if there are any diabetes uk runs nearer to where I am? (Bournemouth). If not I would be willing to go to London, but i'd have to put some training in and be a bit more serious about it :D
Id love to meet as a group with anyone who is interested. I havent done one before but I met the girl who organises them for diabetes UK last year on a charity event in scotland and it sounds like a great event that they put a lot of time and effort in to make fun for all.

I was going to do the London 10k run again this year for DUK, but unfortunately I held on to the form too long and their places have gone. All their races are online. I could even fancy one of their overseas trip of a lifetime thing. I guess I am feeling guilty... I sold so many of their raffle tickets last year I find them harder to shift when they come through and the oney harder to raise...I would like to do walk in the park purely to meet the people, and stick in a lump sum donation rather than sponsorship.
there is a list of venues on the Diabetes Uk site, for some of the venues the details have not been finalised.
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