Walberton family ?overjoyed? with diabetic?s life-changing transplant

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
TUCKING into a bag of sweets is something most people take for granted. But for one diabetic, that simple enjoyment could have proven deadly.

Brice Jones, 37, spent most of his childhood in Arundel in and out of hospital, after he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, at the tender age of eight.

For more than two decades, Brice knew the day-to-day reality of living with his insulin-dependency condition.

But, over the past few years, the father of two?s health had deteriorated to such a degree that he had been forced to use a wheelchair and receive regular dialysis treatment for his failing kidneys.

He was unable to work, and his partner Becky, 20, became his full-time carer.

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