Waking levels

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

This morning I woke to 7.5, not great but not bad, is that a fair coment??

I was just wondering what you all would be/are happy or aiming for?

I sometimes have several days waking say between 4.5 - 5.5 and that makes me smile the most. Usually high i.e. 10 + when there is an obvious reason (previous nights frolics!)


Rossi 🙂
For me that would be pretty good. Anything below 9 pleases me. Am I too easily pleased?

I was 2.9 at 5.30am so didn't test when I woke later as knew it would be high.
Morning levels are the hardest for me but anything below 8 im happy with..
I aim for about 5, goes well for a while then changes and back to the drawing board.

If ive been out and had a late meal i would expect to be 8-10 on waking.
I'm usually nicely within range, apart from when I'm ill. Yes, I know I'm one of the lucky ones! Last night I woke at 3 am (almost exactly! what is it about that time?) and couldn't work out why as I was very tired and hadn't got to sleep until around 2 am. I felt OK but thought I should take the opportunity to test anyway - I was 2.6! Clearly, they wake me up, for which I'm very grateful. I treated it and was 5.6 at 8 am. I don't ever remember waking in double figures.
At the moment i'm aiming for anything under 28.8 haha!! Nah every morning since i started looking after myself i've been coming down more and more ... hurrah ... this morning i was slightly disappointed however ... I went 2 days being lower than 10 ... today was 10.2!! Rats!! However ... I'm getting there slowly ... and setting my targets to remain under 10 until we've finally got a regulation with my insulin! :D
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