Waiting for a pump

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
And i'm getting very impatient.

I got approved for a pump in June/ July of this year.
They ordered the pump on 17/8. I was told that I would be set up and running by end of Sept.
I'm still not set up and when I ring and check im getting told 'It's in hand, you'll get a call when it's ready' 😡

I have just read about Rachel having to wait 2 years for her.
I'm just wandering if its normal for hospital's to be so slow regarding pumps, Or is it just me being unreasonable. :(
I doubt that like Rachel you have to wait for 2 years she did have other factors in play one being that they delayed her pump when she became pregnant...

Sounds like in your case it's PCT paperwork faffing, where the PCT is being slow about dealing with the necessary paperwork to clear payment to the manufactuer for the pump etc.. Until this is done your clinic can't arrange the training side of things for you..

I assume that you work, so you could phone up say sorry for being a pain but our employer is starting to nag about when will they need to cover you while you are training blah blah blah... You get my drift🙂

And ask if it's a PCT paperwork glitch, is there is somebody you could phone in the PCT to prompt them into moving the paperwork along faster due to work commitments etc and needing to know when training will take place etc..

Fingers crossed that they will contact you soon to arrange the training
Have they actually got the pump physically in the hospital? If they have ordered it it shouldn't take more than a week or so to get there. Doesn't sound like a PCT funding issue if they have told you they have ordered it.

where the PCT is being slow about dealing with the necessary paperwork to clear payment to the manufactuer for the pump etc.. Until this is done your clinic can't arrange the training side of things for you..

Hmmm debatable, there are hospitals which keep pumps in stock for children who are diagnosed and they put them on the pump without waiting for funding etc to come through. I'm not saying this is the case for Akasha, just that it isn't true everywhere. Also they don't have to have a pump rep there to give training - if the nurses are trained up enough they can do it themselves - I didn't get training from a rep for mine (although I do wish I had had the chance to have it).
I've never seen a pump rep. The team trained us. It could be a timing issue by the hospital maybe. Maybe they do one pump start per week perhaps, or two and it is a matter of fitting you in.

I agree with Shiv, I would phone the hospital and ask what the delay is and if there is anyone you can phone to chivvy them along (bit of calling their bluff as it may well be the hospital who are delaying for whatever reason).
Hi, Millies took just under 3 months, was ordered just after her diagnosis and arrived about a week or so before we arranged for DSN to come out and do the training, have never seen a rep either - she has the medtronic pump 🙂
We went on a pump show & tell in February, where we were told if Carol wanted a pump to just let them know.
I phoned DSN the next day and asked about the timing, as we were going on holiday at Easter. She said it would take a couple of months. So after Easter I gave the DSN a ring again and told her that we're back from hols and ready. She put everything in motion and Carol was pumping by the end of June.🙂
Yet a lad who came to the same meet still hasn't got the pump, despite saying yes he wanted one😱
My new pump came within 2 weeks of it being ordered.

Best thing to do is ring your PCT directly and find out what the problem is or even if there is a problem.
I think it depends very much on where you live. Provision in Scotland is particularly dreadful. Where are you based?

Even without getting pregnant my wait would have been 2years. There were 7 people in my pump start group today all of whom had been waiting 2 years or more.

There were 7 very smiley people as we all got hooked up.
I battled for 3 years to get my pump, then was finally told yes in the January while I was on DAFNE (my consultant does the DAFNE course) but I didn't get it until the June but this was the way they set up the training..

Which was done in a group of 4 of us, we had to attend a carb training day in the May and then had a 2 days of training with the Rep, dietitian and pump nurse... The rep was actually a pump user himself which was really helpfull..
I was told it would be 2 weeks from ordering and another couple days for a tech team to 'fiddle with it'
Don't think the DSN really knew what they did to it, lol.

I wanted to be settled in with it before going away at end of Oct.
I have told them this, and also that getting time off work may be tricky.

The first time i asked 2 weeks ago, i was told there had been a hiccup in the purchasing dept, and it would be another week or so. Last two times phoned it was the 'we will phone you responce and we don't have a time scale'

*Fed up face*

BTW, congrats on getting hooked up Rachel!! :D
I'm stubborn. I'd ring at least twice a week until this little problem in the ordering department clears itself up 🙂 that will get them moving, I can promise you!
To be fair I would keep bugging them! It's been ordered so everything's been approved funding wise - there should be no reason for it all to take so long now. Hope you do get it soon though!
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