Vulnerable Individuals

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Companies like utilities and bans ask if you are vulnerable. To this over the last few years I have replied Yes as disabled (amputee) and OAP (where did the years go?). Now I wonder if it is worth admitting anything to them? Last week it was my energy provider and today my bank. My bank are being totally unhelpful, even obstructive, but there is no way I can get to speak to somebody senior. Years ago you could go all the way up to the bank manager and the few times I did everything was resolved amicably. A friend (over 70) had their heating fail yet only got "We are busy". Another even older had both washing machines fail and both her and the her two sons (both vulnerable as have Downs) got zero priority treatment. So is it even worth bothering? I haven't just lost a leg but at times it feels like everything else! Customer service has gone down the toilet!!!
These days I tend to get second hand items from Facebook marketplace and other sites which can be set to seek things in the local area.
It means I can see something, send a message and often have it home that day or the next - some even offer delivery. When the fridge stopped working last summer I got another within hours, loaded into the back of the car for me. The big mobility scooter was delivered to my door - they are £3,000 new, I paid £300.

All the useful shops on the local main road have gone, the larger shops all have to put in an order to some far away depot and often find what I want is out of stock - the washing machine I have I bought new, but the poor shop assistant was getting into a state as every model I asked to buy was out of stock, on back order. I got one larger than the average size but a bit cheaper than those I was looking at on about the 7th attempt. It would not have fitted under a worktop, and it can take a king size duvet, so probably a good buy but it was quite an effort to find one that could be delivered that month.
I was described as indomitable last week.
Much sympathy with what you say @MikeyBikey. It's very much in the modern style. Services are offered so that a box can be ticked, noise can be made and brownie points gained. Nobody ever gets round to checking how good the service really is.
Much sympathy with what you say @MikeyBikey. It's very much in the modern style. Services are offered so that a box can be ticked, noise can be made and brownie points gained. Nobody ever gets round to checking how good the service really is.
So true and even the post sale or consult questionnaire are designed to tick boxes but not reveal problems.
I did have some trouble last week with getting gas back on but I wasn't that mithered, would just stay with family. I think they realised I was down as 'vulnerable' because even though I hadn't even bothered them it was back on more or less immediately. My son was amazed. He was expecting it to be days.
Companies like utilities and bans ask if you are vulnerable. To this over the last few years I have replied Yes as disabled (amputee) and OAP (where did the years go?). Now I wonder if it is worth admitting anything to them? Last week it was my energy provider and today my bank. My bank are being totally unhelpful, even obstructive, but there is no way I can get to speak to somebody senior. Years ago you could go all the way up to the bank manager and the few times I did everything was resolved amicably. A friend (over 70) had their heating fail yet only got "We are busy". Another even older had both washing machines fail and both her and the her two sons (both vulnerable as have Downs) got zero priority treatment. So is it even worth bothering? I haven't just lost a leg but at times it feels like everything else! Customer service has gone down the toilet!!!
Years ago, my mum was on the priority vulnerable list. She’d ring me first. Then I would ring them (on her behalf.) if I couldn’t resolve the issue myself. I have no idea what your provider is like now. But mum’s weren’t bad, back in “the day.”
You have all my best wishes, sorting this out.
All this stupidity has triggered my PTSD again. After a break of weeks some of my recurrent nightmares returned last night. It's now WAR!

Thanks for the supportive comments!
What a difference a day makes. It felt like in intelligence I had upgraded from the call centre Turkey to the call centre Dolphin! Whilst I still have to go to a branch to dot the i's and cross the T's I felt the team member did everything possible to help unlike yesterday's obstructive waste of space!
What a difference a day makes. It felt like in intelligence I had upgraded from the call centre Turkey to the call centre Dolphin! Whilst I still have to go to a branch to dot the i's and cross the T's I felt the team member did everything possible to help unlike yesterday's obstructive waste of space!
Sometimes. The stars can align? Keep the faith. 🙂
In our household, we both trigger vulnerable, based on age, but neither of us consider ourselves in that status.

Thing is, that category should be reserved by those who actually are vulnerable, and not include everyone who just happens to have had enough birthdays to trigger a ticked box.

Of course, our circumstances may change, and as we age, there is an increased chance they will, but for now, I AM NOT VULNERABLE, and shouldn’t be prioritised (when that means can’t be prioritised) over those who NEED additional help.

< soapbox off >
Got another one now. Miskeyed PIN and now been told to do to a bank to reset . Most banks apart from main branches in large towns or cities have closed. Sodding nightmare!
Got another one now. Miskeyed PIN and now been told to do to a bank to reset . Most banks apart from main branches in large towns or cities have closed. Sodding nightmare!
Is this the pin on your bank card? I did this once & found it could be retrieved at an ATM? Providing the original pin was remembered.
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