**Volunteering Opportunity, Apply Now**

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Anna DUK

Online Community Team Leader
Staff member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
We’re excited to be recruiting for a brand new volunteer role. We’re looking for 15 Stigma Panel Members to support Diabetes UK in tackling diabetes stigma.

We know that diabetes stigma is all too common; 9 out of 10 people living with diabetes report that they have experienced stigma as a result of their condition.

That’s why we’re making tackling stigma a priority, and we need to hear from people living with diabetes to shape our work.

Find out more here: Stigma panel member | Diabetes UK Volunteering and if you have any questions please speak to the volunteering team on volunteering@diabetes.org.uk.
This is great @Anna DUK

It’s such an important area, and great that it is getting the attention it deserves.
Would you be interested in a lifelong diabetic who has experienced issues all his life? Jobs suddenly vanished after potential; employers found out I was diabetic - these included BAe, Vauxhall and Marconi - insurance companies tried to impose unreasonable hikes, was told I could not finger prick in the workplace, etc. These days I am understanding why so many disabled people are so angry - companies try to rip you off whether looking for a grabber or a holiday, disabled toilets that are virtually inaccessible and seem box ticking exercises, etc.
@MikeyBikey that's outrageous! I'm sorry to learn the stigma you've faced over the years. We'd certainly be interested in having you on board with us to tackle the stigma you've faced, and so many other people living with diabetes have faced. Have you been able to read more about the volunteering role in the link above? If you have any further questions about the role I can share them with my colleagues, or you can use the email address above.
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