Volunteering Opportunities: Why don't you join us?

Anna DUK

Online Community Team Leader
Staff member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
We're so excited to be recruiting for, not just one, but two volunteering roles to join the Diabetes UK Support Forum team.

We're looking for Hosts to provide a welcoming space for new members and Moderators to ensure members follow our user guidelines.

You can read more about the Hosting role here: Online Community Host | Diabetes UK Volunteering

And the Moderating role here: Online Community Moderator | Diabetes UK Volunteering

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to send me a private message. :D
I don’t want to do online but you reminded me I needed to email DUK back about something else.
Thanks for the reminder
We're so excited to be recruiting for, not just one, but two volunteering roles to join the Diabetes UK Support Forum team.

We're looking for Hosts to provide a welcoming space for new members and Moderators to ensure members follow our user guidelines.

You can read more about the Hosting role here: Online Community Host | Diabetes UK Volunteering

And the Moderating role here: Online Community Moderator | Diabetes UK Volunteering

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to send me a private message. :D
I did this role for quite a few years and received excellent support and training.
I did this role for quite a few years and received excellent support and training.
And I've only ever heard good things about you. Thank you for the support you provided the community then, but still now too! :D
I don’t want to do online but you reminded me I needed to email DUK back about something else.
Thanks for the reminder
If you ever change your mind @PhoebeC just let me know. You'd be a good fit... ;)
If you ever change your mind @PhoebeC just let me know. You'd be a good fit... ;)
As one of the very first users of the forum, pre launch I should have some knowledge ha!
But I really can’t commit the time needed.
As one of the very first users of the forum, pre launch I should have some knowledge ha!
But I really can’t commit the time needed.
I was able to set the amount of time that I did have available and I was never made to feel that I should do more. They were just grateful for what I was able to do.
I was able to set the amount of time that I did have available and I was never made to feel that I should do more. They were just grateful for what I was able to do.
This is true @PhoebeC! It'll be like now, when you're online but with additional 'behind the scene' functionality.
This is true @PhoebeC! It'll be like now, when you're online but with additional 'behind the scene' functionality.
I am actually in the very early stages of working on another volunteer opportunity. Now I have retired from rugby I need something else with people in person. No spoilers yet.
I am actually in the very early stages of working on another volunteer opportunity. Now I have retired from rugby I need something else with people in person. No spoilers yet.
Good luck :D
I am actually in the very early stages of working on another volunteer opportunity. Now I have retired from rugby I need something else with people in person. No spoilers yet.
I hope your new opportunity goes well and look forward to hearing more.