VLCD in London

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I am looking to do Keto VLCD in London which I think needs to be clinically supervised.

Can anyone advise on how to do that please?

Also, what are the risks and would rapid fat loss cause any skin issue/deformation?
(I would say this is the least I care about now but if I can achieve the same health benefit from a less rapid weight loss to preserve skin tone etc, it would be good to know! if I can avoid looking like a shar-pei while still losing visceral fat and improve diabetes, would be preferred, right?)

Welcome to the forum @Delphic

Are you thinking of the very low calorie diet like the Newcastle 800 calorie diet, based on meal replacement shakes, as pioneered by Prof Roy Taylor

Or a very low carb diet, which aims to put the body in nutritional ketosis by significantly restricting available carbohydrates?

Have you spoken to your GP about your ambitions? Do you know if there is additional support available to you through your GP surgery?

I am looking to do Keto VLCD in London which I think needs to be clinically supervised.

Can anyone advise on how to do that please?

Also, what are the risks and would rapid fat loss cause any skin issue/deformation?
(I would say this is the least I care about now but if I can achieve the same health benefit from a less rapid weight loss to preserve skin tone etc, it would be good to know! if I can avoid looking like a shar-pei while still losing visceral fat and improve diabetes, would be preferred, right?)

Would you like to say a bit more about your diagnosis and what your HbA1C is and if you have much weight to lose as that may determine how suitable the approach you are looking at.
If you meet certain criteria then you may get support from your GP.
Otherwise people after doing their research go it alone but there are people here who have gone the shakes-based route.
There are alternative ways and this link may help you with that. https://lowcarbfreshwell.co.uk/
Thank you, so it has to definitely be low calorie but I was thinking it to also be low carb so that I can tolerate it better.

My GP has probably no idea and I am really astonished that everyone says ask your GP.

Perhaps some people have grew up with their GP and the GP knows them well but this is not always the case.

So far my various GPs have said:
- I am also fat (meaning so what)
- Zip it (meaning my mouth)
- Get a pan to cook healthy
- It's simple, less in - more out (meaning calories)
- [looking at me as an alien when I tell them I struggle with eating as they are themselves double my size]
...and several other funny stuff...

Anyway I was looking for some kind of program. My GP can tell them any comorbidities but he won't be able to assess any risks and he would probably think any 800kcal diet is a fad and too risky.
I think you need to choose away forward.
I did the 800 calorie shake.
I've never counted carbs.
Others count carbs and don't worry on calories.
Counting both is difficult.
I think you need to choose away forward.
I did the 800 calorie shake.
I've never counted carbs.
Others count carbs and don't worry on calories.
Counting both is difficult.
Thanks, that's why I am looking for specific keto vlcd meal replacements 🙂
Thanks, that's why I am looking for specific keto vlcd meal replacements 🙂
I think people have used Exante meal replacement, some flavours better than others or supermarket own brand again some better than others. It can depend on your taste and how you make them.
Thanks, that's why I am looking for specific keto vlcd meal replacements 🙂

It's not a recognised treatment, it's unlikely you'll get any medical involvement, unless you find a private practice.
I think you need to choose away forward.
I did the 800 calorie shake.
I've never counted carbs.
Others count carbs and don't worry on calories.
Counting both is difficult.
I am considering this approach between 13 Nov and 13 December for one month, just before my next test to see if this makes a difference. I am losing weight on a low carb, low cal regime and at the start didn't feel emotionally or physically ready for such a huge change to 3 shakes a day, but I now seem to have my head in gear and want to take this up a notch to see if it helps me get lower sugar and also lower my cholesterol. Then I will stick to a healthy low carb diet and continue to monitor until I weigh 8 stone 7. Do you think it will help me get there?

The one I am thinking of following is Lipotrim from the chemist, with the doctors backing.
I am considering this approach between 13 Nov and 13 December for one month, just before my next test to see if this makes a difference. I am losing weight on a low carb, low cal regime and at the start didn't feel emotionally or physically ready for such a huge change to 3 shakes a day, but I now seem to have my head in gear and want to take this up a notch to see if it helps me get lower sugar and also lower my cholesterol. Then I will stick to a healthy low carb diet and continue to monitor until I weigh 8 stone 7. Do you think it will help me get there?

The one I am thinking of following is Lipotrim from the chemist, with the doctors backing.
You might want to look at their web site as it looks as if they have problems with the program. Unless they have now sorted it.
You might want to look at their web site as it looks as if they have problems with the program. Unless they have now sorted it.
OK will pop over to check, I actually have all the shakes as order them when I was first diagnosed with my doctors approval but havent used them as wasnt in the right mindset at the time, I am now 🙂
OK will pop over to check, I actually have all the shakes as order them when I was first diagnosed with my doctors approval but havent used them as wasnt in the right mindset at the time, I am now 🙂

They are all much the same nutritionally.
I think you'll see a great difference after. 🙂
You might want to look at their web site as it looks as if they have problems with the program. Unless they have now sorted it.
Wow, I was lucky to get the shakes when I did, makes me realise I have to commit to using them now as otherwise I am depriving someone else. Another good motivation tactic. Lipotrim are a lot cheaper than the other shake diets on the market too, but very limited selection of flavours, I tend to only like the chocolate one and have it hot.

Years ago I lost weight on a VLCD, I followed the cambridge diet, I lost so much weight that some people were worried I had got seriously unwell, It was rapid, size 24 to size 10 in 3 months, lost 4 stone, but I was younger then, I know a month of shakes = a stone in most cases. Its still a big loss and it did put me into ketosis (the good kind) I was wary of following it this time as although it was lost fast, the maintenance and changing habits were the bit I stumbled on. It was because normally I had a goal like a holiday to work towards, so lose masses of weight, go for a 2 weeks all inclusive holiday and come back with a stone on! So the association in my head links it with failure and yo yo dieting, but this time I have followed a healthy diet and lost 3 stone before I start, and its just a little push to see if I can get myself closer to goal but I am still a little wary of it being a fad diet.
Wow, I was lucky to get the shakes when I did, makes me realise I have to commit to using them now as otherwise I am depriving someone else. Another good motivation tactic. Lipotrim are a lot cheaper than the other shake diets on the market too, but very limited selection of flavours, I tend to only like the chocolate one and have it hot.

Years ago I lost weight on a VLCD, I followed the cambridge diet, I lost so much weight that some people were worried I had got seriously unwell, It was rapid, size 24 to size 10 in 3 months, lost 4 stone, but I was younger then, I know a month of shakes = a stone in most cases. Its still a big loss and it did put me into ketosis (the good kind) I was wary of following it this time as although it was lost fast, the maintenance and changing habits were the bit I stumbled on. It was because normally I had a goal like a holiday to work towards, so lose masses of weight, go for a 2 weeks all inclusive holiday and come back with a stone on! So the association in my head links it with failure and yo yo dieting, but this time I have followed a healthy diet and lost 3 stone before I start, and its just a little push to see if I can get myself closer to goal but I am still a little wary of it being a fad diet.

I get accused of that now.
But it's the way I live.
I lost weight, I put some on on holidays, Christmas, but not enough to worry about.
I lost five stone initially, which was an undershoot, so I'm not worried over a half stone back, that's still four and a half stone less.
But I do want to make an effort to lose it.
So it seems obvious to reduce calories after binging.
I did a month of shakes again last January to trim back down.
I don't see it as "yo yo".
Just a normal way of eating now.

If I put 6 stone back, that would be different.
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