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About 20 years ago, after breaking and dislocating my ankle whilst climbing over a rickety old fence that give way under me, I was advised by my hospital consultant to take cod liver oil everyday. He told me that I would probably end up with arthritis in my angle in about 10 years time, and as he had mild arthritis himself, he swore by the benefits of cod liver oil. Needless to say, I began taking a cod oil supplement and still do to this day. So far, I am free from arthritis in this joint.

I also read a article round about the same time, stating that garlic was a outstanding herb at protecting cardio-health. I did a little research and found this to be true, and also began taking a garlic supplement daily. On top of this, I also take a supplement of vitamin c, b complex and glucosamine sulphate.

Although I eat a good well balanced diet of various foods, I do question myself sometimes why I take them!. Just out of interest, does other folks on this message board take a daily supplement?, or am I alone in thinking that there is benefits in taking supplements.

hi toby,

is there any reason why you take the vitamin supliments???

i understand the garlic and cod liver oil. also i was under the impression as to not to take cod liver oil and also glucosamine sulphate as it can react. i would chose the glucosamine sulphate over cod liver though.
Hi Toby, I take a multivitamin tablet every day - they were prescribed for me at diagnosis and although the doctor said after a few months I probably didn't need them, they're still on my repeat so I take them. A balanced diet should give you all the necessary vitamins and trace elements you need, but I probably don't eat my full 5 a day every day, so it's a bit of a fall back I suppose!🙂
Hi Minster,

I have not heard anything about cod liver oil and glucosamine reacting. May I ask in what way they react?

As for the other supplements, I started taking vitamin C, and B Complex at the start of 2009. I had a low iron count back then, and was put on iron tablets; I am no longer on iron tablets. I know that B Vits are good for helping the body absorb iron from food, as is Vit C. Often you will find that people with diabetes are more likely to suffer from iron deficency.

Northerner, I agree, a balanced diet should be sufficient, however we know that vitamins and trace elements are lost during prolong storage and during cooking. A multivitamin will do no harm, as there are only small quantities of each in every tablet.

I tried garlic capsules but they really set my gallstones off! 😱 I was ill for days after...
Hi Toby,

I did quite a lot of research into supplements, diabetes and hypothyroidism. I have also suffered from sciatica and knee problems, so used glucosamine and flax seed oil capsules (an alternative to cod liver oil, which I'd heard wasn't so good for either diabetes or hypothryroidism, can't remember which!) I ended up using quite a range of supplements, including the B vit group, but then read something about those supplements high in free radicals may be impeding the positive impact of excercise on blood glucose etc. As I had started running and making very slow progress, gradually stopped taking supplements. Not sure if it's made a difference yet. So, I guess I'm not sure if there is a value, unless you have a not very balanced diet, and I believe it is always a good idea to give your body a break from them now and again, especialy the B vits.

Due to a cough and cold and other life events, I have been less active recently and noticed this had made a far greater difference to the way I feel - e.g more aches and pains, feeling very tired etc. So, the value of excercise, in any form, seems to be proven to be very significant to feeling good, and to diabetes control, for me anyway.
I'd say that any supplement that helps you to be more physically active is a good idea, diabetes or not. My only concern is that some advice given by "health food assistants" may not be too accurate. If I were looking for advice, I'd ask in a regular pharmacy, where there is usually at least one pharmacist who takes a special interest in complementaty medicine / supplements, although they won't be on duty all the time the shop is open, so you may need to vist at specific times. For diagnosed arthritis, GPs can prescribe glucosamine.
Hi Runner,

I take onboard what you have said. A balanced diet should be sufficient, but as I was saying to Northerner, the nutritional goodness of food can be lost with prolong storage and over cooking.

I have a prescription to collect from my chemist, I may have a word with the pharmacist (time allowing) about the vitamins I take.

Thanks for all your reply's. 🙂

Hi Runner,

I take onboard what you have said. A balanced diet should be sufficient, but as I was saying to Northerner, the nutritional goodness of food can be lost with prolong storage and over cooking.

I have a prescription to collect from my chemist, I may have a word with the pharmacist (time allowing) about the vitamins I take.

Thanks for all your reply's. 🙂


Yes, I think you're right about the nutritional value of some food - it can be impaired due to growing methods too and qulaity of soil apparently. For myself, I just don't know about supplements, but will probably use them again - let us know what your pharmacist says?
Hi Minster,

I have not heard anything about cod liver oil and glucosamine reacting. May I ask in what way they react?

As for the other supplements, I started taking vitamin C, and B Complex at the start of 2009. I had a low iron count back then, and was put on iron tablets; I am no longer on iron tablets. I know that B Vits are good for helping the body absorb iron from food, as is Vit C. Often you will find that people with diabetes are more likely to suffer from iron deficency.

Northerner, I agree, a balanced diet should be sufficient, however we know that vitamins and trace elements are lost during prolong storage and during cooking. A multivitamin will do no harm, as there are only small quantities of each in every tablet.


hi toby,

i cant remember if it was my physi who told me about it as i suffer with my back and legs after a motorbike accident. if not her im not sure lol but i know i have heard it somewhere. i find the glucosamine sulphate is better for me than the codliver, but thats just my body and it could be different for everyone. i have also posted a thread in the news section about vitamin suppliments and the best foods to get the supply you need from 🙂

hope it helps
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