Vitamin D deficiency.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
hi there,

Am having some problems with extreme tiredness and lack of energy. Had a blood
Test and it came back that I had insufficient vitamin D:- 37.07 nmol/L. Range:- 50nmol/L-200nmol/L.

It was also suggested on another forum that my B12:-244pmol/L. Range:-140pmol/L-724pmol/L. Ferritin:-37.02ug/L. Range:-13ug/L-150ug/L. And maybe my folate:- 6.6ug/L. Range:-2.91ug/L-50ug/L. That all these were below optimal levels? If so, what can I do about them and how can I combat the tiredness, lack of energy...?

I was advised to use 20-50mcg(800-2000iu) of vitamin D supplements per day for 12 weeks and then retest for this after 8-12 weeks to ensure they've reached optimal levels, then I can decrease supplements to 10mcg(400iu) per day. Will my doctor prescribe these and do regular testing for vitamin D levels...?
Depends Lydia.

You need to talk to him, with all your symptoms and what you were told to do by whom and why, if not him (with reasons why they are sources that either you or an NHS GP can trust) and see what's what. Where did you have the tests done, and who took the blood for them? I know my friend's GP did believe a postal fingerprick blood test she had done by the lab at City Hospital in Birmingham - but there's no guarantee another GP would. And though the B12 website and doctor said she should have jabs for X amount of time to begin with to correct it - the NHS don't usually do that.
Thanks trophywench,

I had these tests done privately as I was worried about thyroid problems, like hypothyroidism as, as well as having the tiredness and lack of energy, I was having difficulties regulating my body temperature. Overheating madly in just warmish weather even. Quite dangerous I've read.

The tests didn't show this disease(I'd recently had blood tests done by my local NHS GP surgery, too, but they only do so many of these tests so that's why I went private, to have the full range...).

So I intend to speak to one of the doctors there but, going on previous discussions, they are not that interested in my health issues. That's a logical outcome and side effect of the dismantling of the NHS. There has to be cuts, and AT 56, and not in work or good health, my needs are not a high priority for them, which is why I have turned to forums for help and advice..
Hi Lydia,

'A smart doctor and a self aware patient is a winning combination!'

I don't blame you one bit trying to optimise your Vit D and B12 levels and I'm not remotely surprised that your doctor looks at you blankly when you mention it. In addition to type 2 diabetes, I have leukaemia and the subject of VitD and B12 is a running theme on the leukaemia support sites. Not for obsessional or introspective reasons but because there's a wealth of evidence out there that deficiencies of these vitamins can actually impact on overall survival rate. Fatigue is also a major problem with our blood cancer.

I asked my GP to test my VitD and magnesium levels (the latter being hard to test for in reality). Both were low so I'm now on high level supplements and they have made a difference. It's often suggested that VitD works better taken in conjunction with magnesium. I'd be amazed if your GP is switched on to these things but persevere anyway because it's important.

Getting your B12 at optimum levels is very important too in view of the other health issues you are experiencing.

I'm fortunate to have a GP who is prepared to discuss and will be persuaded by sound research and evidence. I suspect your GP may be suspicious about where you had your tests done and possibly view it as some unscrupulous and not to be relied on private testing company. The NHS isn't good at this and massively underestimate the impact of sub-optimal levels.

My GP did the tests, I produced the research findings (Mayo clinic are doing a major study presently) and I'm now on high level supplements. There's also research out there to the link between low VitD levels and incidence of diabetic retinopathy. I also take a magnesium tablet. In truth he doesn't regularly review or test but I have all my bloods done every 3 months anyway.

Keep on being your own advocate and don't be deterred by medical apathy or poor resources. Best wishes, Amigo
Thanks for these wise words, here, Amigo. I can see you are having quite a bit of health difficulties, yourself. I wish you well in your struggles.

As for my doctor. It's quite a big practice where I live and the GP that I usually see is off on maternity leave. I'm seeing another doctor, but she seems completely disinterested in my health, being quite dismissive or offhand, not following through with tests etc for me. So perhaps I should try and see another one?

Quite prepared to pay for all the supplements myself, and the testing, just need to know if taking all these supplements will reduce, or even get rid of completely, all the serious, life damaging, symptoms I have been experiencing...?
Thanks for these wise words, here, Amigo. I can see you are having quite a bit of health difficulties, yourself. I wish you well in your struggles.

As for my doctor. It's quite a big practice where I live and the GP that I usually see is off on maternity leave. I'm seeing another doctor, but she seems completely disinterested in my health, being quite dismissive or offhand, not following through with tests etc for me. So perhaps I should try and see another one?

Quite prepared to pay for all the supplements myself, and the testing, just need to know if taking all these supplements will reduce, or even get rid of completely, all the serious, life damaging, symptoms I have been experiencing...?

I'd advise seeing a different doctor Lydia. There's no reason why any reasonable GP wouldn't entertain the idea of a B12 deficiency when, according to some studies, between 10% and 30% of people who take metformin on a regular basis have some evidence of decreased B12 absorption.
A high number of people who live in colder countries have issues with their Vit D levels. It's not rocket science you're presenting to them. Often these supplements are at a higher level than we can buy ourselves. I'd need to take heaps from Holland and Barret to match the prescribed levels.

I honestly don't know if optimising certain vitamins will get rid of your symptoms completely but I know Vitamin D has helped me as I was subject to endless opportunistic infections when my levels were low. However, they are not usually cures but things that ameliorate symptoms. Good luck!
Sound advice there. Thanks. I shall definitely be going through the list of my doctors, at that surgery, to choose a more amiable one when it comes to treating their patients.

And, yes, that is a good point you've made there. That metformin can decrease B12 absorption, so maybe, using that argument, I can persuade them to prescribe those tablets? As you suggest. It's worth trying...
If you are deficient, you certainly need proper supplementation. As Amigo says, prescribed supplements are far higher dosage than anything you can buy, for safety reasons (to stop health 'freaks' overdosing). I was Vit D deficient, and still take supplements because the cause of the deficiency hasn't gone away. It's much easier here in the highlands to get doctors to pay attention to vitamin D because deficiency is so common due to lack of sunlight, but Londoners who spend their time travelling to and from work on the tube, and work in offices clad in UV blocking glass are just as much at risk. I also had a low magnesium. Both these deficiencies cause tiredness for sure - been there, done that and got the T shirt,.

The lowish B12 may be contributing to your tiredness, but tablets won't help much if the cause is Metformin, for obvious reasons.

Best of luck finding a sympathetic ear at the surgery.
Didn't know that. About the higher dosage in prescribed supplements than bought ones. Additional bit of useful information. Thanks.

Been checking out foods to see which ones have the most nutritional values to them. Mostly the ones I haven't included in my diet. So will spend some time checking recipes with these foods in them so I can add them to my diet. Maybe this will help once I have got my vitamin D etc levels up to optimal ones...?

This is a very informative forum. I think I will spend more time on here, gaining the knowledge I need on this very serious disease...
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