Visual impairment and diabetes increase side by side

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Visual impairment that is not explained by refractive error is increasing, as is the prevalence of diabetes - particularly diabetes lasting 10 years or longer, show US study results.

The findings indicate a significant association between nonrefractive visual impairment and diabetes that patients with long-term diabetes are more at risk, in particular, than their counterparts who have had the condition for less time.

"These results have important implications for resource allocation," remark the researchers, who contend that if the trend persists, it could result in increasing rates of disability in the US population. "Including greater numbers of patients with end-organ diabetic damage who would require ophthalmic care," they write, in the JAMA.

No s***, Sherlock 🙄
A quick look at Wikipedia reveals that diabetic retinopathy is a cause of non-refractive visual impairment and as that is on the increase I do wonder what they found out.

On a lighter note I was pleased to have my eyes tested recently and found no change from last year (cost ?29 for a pair of glasses to make playing on the Xbox less strainful:D).
I dream of that Vicsetter LOL

Trouble is, if that happens in January, I'll have another quandary in that husband told me in the summer he hates my current frames! and moreover, doesn't think they do anything whatever for me.

Thanks luv ......

He also told me years after the event, my wedding outfit (which of course he hadn't seen and honestly I bought it in desperation when I couldn't find ANYTHING else suitable at a price I could afford) made me look fat.

This makes him sound vile doesn't it? Yet he is the first to say when something looks nice and he did wait till ages after. But there again wouldn't I like some red underwear for Xmas? - err no thanks actually my sweetness ....

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