Vision Blur - Metformin / Empagliflozin


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have had my metformin increased to 3 x daily and am now experiencing vision blur.
My blood glucose is down to 6.8 and was reducing taking empagliflozin.
My vision was ok even when at 16 mmol.
I note online it does say blurred vision with metformin is quite common.

I will notify the surgery but I am thinking I should just take 2 metfornin. Having trouble reading writing here.

Any one else experienced this from Metformin? Also what was advised?

Many thanks.
Oh I've just read that empagliflozin can cause this too.

I have only been on the latter and the increased dose of metformin since 16th August.
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Any method of reducing your blood sugars causes blurriness, so it’s likely a coincidence that it’s happened when you added another metformin and more to do with general overall changes you’re making to reduce your BGs, since metformin doesn’t actually act on blood sugars itself.

If you’re worried about it see an optician but you shouldn’t buy any expensive new glasses until your blood sugars have been stable for several months.
Just updating this in case someone at a later date experiences same.

I contacted surgery marking attention diabetic nurse regarding subject, asking if she could advise, could I maybe do alternate days with Empag or reducing the metformin dose by one tablet. Blood glucose 6.3 mmol fasting at breakfast and before evening meal. Could she advise please. I had read that both meds can cause this.

I got message back from one of the Docs in the practice who said blurred vision is not a normal side affect of this medication. Said stop the medication for a few days and see if eyes improve, also contact primary care eye service, once I have done this to get back in touch.

Any way I was thinking maybe just stop the empag, but continue with metformin, see how that goes.
Have a telephone consult tomorrow with the primary eye care people Cues.

Will update further when I know more.

Great to be able to post here 🙂 thanks to all.
The blurry vision is just a result of lowering your BG levels as that changes the shape of the eye as the concentration of sugar in the eye lens changes and this affects the focal length. Many of us experienced it and the answer for many of us was to buy some "ready readers" from the pound shop to tide us over until our levels were stable for a couple of months and then get prescription specs if necessary. It is very common for this to happen but is not specifically linked to the metformin or any other medication, just the medication doing it's job to reduce our levels but it can also happen just through dietary changes, if levels have been particularly high for a while.
Thanks rebrascora, I think I read something about this but no indication how long before it stablises, I guess different for everyone, I do wish the diabetic nurse had got back to me instead of the doctor, who may not be aware of this. I have not experienced it before when blood glucose is this low, just a few days after starting the Empag. Its mainly my close vision. I can still see to drive but unknown how it is impacting distant vision. I shall just stay locally.

I notice its very blurred to read writing without glasses, where I did not need them to read before, but I can see with my prescribed varifocals.

So I shall check again with the surgery and also mention it to the eye care people tomorrow.

Thanks again
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This happened to me when I reduced my carbs all in one go to 70g per day, no meds so blood glucose reduced quickly, my distance vision was OK but near vision was blurry and it felt as if my eyes were in different heads as they weren't working together, I only realised by reading something on here.
It varies with people from a few weeks to several months to settle down. I also wear varifocals which are mega bucks so just muddled along as reading glasses were useless for me.
Thanks @Leadinglights yes its really weird. 2 months is a long time to wait and see, if there really is something going on with the eyes.

After chatting with the eye care optometrist today, I explained the situation, what was said here, what the doc said, not heard back from Diabetic Nurse, the optometrist said she thinks I should be seen to be sure nothing is happening with the eye, so waiting for another appointment in a couple of days.

During our conversation she asked me to check vision in each eye and both eyes together with and without glasses. There is something weird with the right eye, even with glasses on - a fading out in the left corner, but definitely very blurred without glasses for reading.

So I am glad I have checked, with docs, optometrist and here :D Thanks everyone.