Video shows officers beating motorist in diabetic shock

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Another example of American police over using their powers. I can't believe they actually apologised for 'beating him up'. I thought police policy was to never admit guilt. Still, $292,500 seems like a fair amount of compensation.

Absolutely disgusting. We don't need to watch David Attenborough programmes anymore, just watch this for the 'pack' that go in for the 'kill' and that's what these PO's were you can see it so clearly , the Police officers acted in a predatary way and this poor man, who showed no resistance to me, was predated upon.
Can someone please tell me what the PO placed on the boot of the car and why they were laughing? I found it sickening, but couldn't hear the voices very well. SHEENA
this is totally dispicable. had me near in tears...and then they all laugh??? I can't believe they're still employed - surely that amounts to gross misconduct and therefore an immediate sacking.

I hope they are totally ashamed and people know what they did.
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