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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, I’ve recently been put on victoza alongside gliclizide and metformin as my BG is all over the place at the moment. I had a baby 9 months ago and have struggled to keep BG in check post birth. I was on insulin during Pregnancy.
I’m on the max dose of victoza and really struggling with foul wind, nausea and projectile vomiting. Sorry for the TMI but its really getting me down and taking precious time away from me and my little one. My other half had to stay off work today as I couldn’t stop being sick. Does anyone have any advice please? I’m really torn as worried about my BG but don’t know how long I can continue feeling like this. Thanks.
Hi Kim congratulations on the birth of your baby and sorry to hear you’re having such a rough time. I know. nothing about victoza I’m afraid but if you are having such bad symptoms I would recommend you contact your GP again as that is not acceptable. Did they warn you about these symptoms and say that they would pass after a short while or were these out of the blue? If out of the blue then it may be that your body cannot tolerate them. Sorry I can’t be of more help but someone else may be able to. All the best to you.
known side effect of victoza and all drugs in the class is nausea but advice would be to stick with it if possible as many find it tends to wear off once you get used to taking the drug, oral variant coming soon is semaglutide....
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