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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Can anyone advise with regard to side effects of victoza have been on now for 14 days and still feel nauseous and full feeling most of the time, together with the most awful head ache and utter tiredness. Feel pretty dreadful in truth. Will this pass, should I persevere have had chat with diabetic nurse and have agreed to still give it a go. First 10 days was on 0.6 and last few days am now on 1.2. Any advice would be gratefully received.
Hi Sparkly1 and welcome. I'm sorry but I can't help as I've been on Victoza for over a year and had no adverse effects at all. When do you inject?
While I'm not a T2, I do have degree of insulin resistance and have been using Victoza in conjunction with my insulin for almost two years now and it works well for me. The side effects hung around for quite some time (about three month I recall) after I started but did wear off in the end and I have no trouble with it now. Persevere for a few weeks Sparkly and if they don't ease off then talk to your GP about alternatives.

I do mine at lunchtime Sparkly, it might help if you try then instead of first thing.
Hi thanks for that, it gives me hope to continue as I am keen to. Shall try at lunch time. Do you find little and often meals help. At the moment do not want much at all but no am not getting enough to keep me strong
I have digestive problems which mean eating is often more of a chore than a pleasure so, little and often is the rule for me. I find that easier than scarfing a big meal all at once.
Hi first thing in the morning, does it make a difference ?

According to the patient leaflet you can take it any time, however I take it at 5pm or about 2hrs before I eat. Are you not on Metformin as well or is it just Victoza?
I am on 2mg of slow release metformin and 360 glicazide. Totally hate glicazide as it made me put on weight big time. Gone up two dress sizes in 6 months. Would love to come of it, that's the aim, so am keen for victoza to work. Shall try at a different time. Time wise the morning is best but maybe bedtime is an option. Any other time may be difficult as would have to carry around with me.
I have digestive problems which mean eating is often more of a chore than a pleasure so, little and often is the rule for me. I find that easier than scarfing a big meal all at once.
Sorry to hear you struggle with food, I have coeliac disease and too find food it a struggle. After a while my tum objects to my choices and then I dont know where to turn.
Can anyone advise with regard to side effects of victoza have been on now for 14 days and still feel nauseous and full feeling most of the time, together with the most awful head ache and utter tiredness. Feel pretty dreadful in truth. Will this pass, should I persevere have had chat with diabetic nurse and have agreed to still give it a go. First 10 days was on 0.6 and last few days am now on 1.2. Any advice would be gratefully received.

Hi Sparkly I was on victoza for 16 weeks felt really bad but I wanted to persevere
in the end could not tolerate another day with neck and head pain and the nausea was so bad... in the end it did nothing for my BG but then again everyone is different I am now on insulin therapy .... hope it is successful for you ..
Some people find that they can tolerate Byetta or Bydureon better if they can't deal with Victoza.
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