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Victoza now only for the rich


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have been on victoza for the last 3 years and it really worked for me. All of a sudden the Kardashian’s says it’s a great drug for losing weight and our supplies have dried up In the Uk. I wrote to the maker Nova in Denmark and they say they don’t expect supplies to return to normal until summer of 2024. My nurse has been trying me out on different tablets, the first one I came out in hives all over my body. The second one is causing me itching all over my body. Also my neuropathy has got worse. Diabetes Uk don’t seem to care either as they don’t appear to be taking any action on this matter and just leave us patients to suffer.
Diabetes UK are NOT in the drug industry! I won't have you blaming them. It is a worldwide shortage, not just the UK. No idea whatever which ingredient they can't get hold of, but there again I don't know the ingredients or method of any of the drugs that keep me alive.
If anyone's to blame it's so-called Influencers. It just encourages people who can't be bothered to diet to hijack medication that's intended for those for whom there's a clinical need.
If anyone's to blame it's so-called Influencers.
I'd disagree, its the manufacturer who's at fault here. Who do you think will pay more per dose... an individual on a private prescription or say the NHS? Pure economics.
I'd disagree, its the manufacturer who's at fault here.
Not according to this report:-

The shortages of Ozempic and Wegovy are technically being fuelled by too many people using the drug off-label, causing demand to exceed supply. But the reason more people are seeking out semaglutide for weight loss in the first place may be due to social media endorsement and use by celebrities, driving a surge in interest.
I'd disagree, its the manufacturer who's at fault here. Who do you think will pay more per dose... an individual on a private prescription or say the NHS? Pure economics.
Generally speaking the NHS pay drug manufacturers the same price for their products as private clinics. There the similarity ends. The costs passed to you and I, the consumer, by private clinics will vary between individual clinic. In England of course there is a standard prescription charge unless you’re exempt.
I have been on victoza for the last 3 years and it really worked for me. All of a sudden the Kardashian’s says it’s a great drug for losing weight and our supplies have dried up In the Uk. I wrote to the maker Nova in Denmark and they say they don’t expect supplies to return to normal until summer of 2024. My nurse has been trying me out on different tablets, the first one I came out in hives all over my body. The second one is causing me itching all over my body. Also my neuropathy has got worse. Diabetes Uk don’t seem to care either as they don’t appear to be taking any action on this matter and just leave us patients to suffer.
I think Diabetes Uk do help tremendously for all. There has to be more then one way to help . Sorry you cannot get the drug of choice but feel your blame on DUK is misplaced .
I have been on victoza for the last 3 years and it really worked for me. All of a sudden the Kardashian’s says it’s a great drug for losing weight and our supplies have dried up In the Uk.

Sorry to hear you’ve been caught up in the current shortages @Lancsamb

Diabetes UK have been pressing the manufacturer and Department of Health for action on this shortage for some time, and advocating for improved access for people with diabetes.

There is more information on this page, including the recent announcement that Wegovy will be made available on a limited basis for weight loss in the UK.

One of the knock-on effects of the strain on the supply chain seems to be that other meds that people are being switched to because of the lack of GLP-1 varieties are also now running low on stocks and having supply issues themselves :(
Generally speaking the NHS pay drug manufacturers the same price for their products as private clinics. There the similarity ends. The costs passed to you and I, the consumer, by private clinics will vary between individual clinic. In England of course there is a standard prescription charge unless you’re exempt.
Whilst I am will to go with the "generally speaking........", there are a number of exceptions. This now, but for some years Liothyronine/T3 (a thyroid hormone replacement) was £9 per TABLET to the NHS, but less than that, supplied by private prescription - for those who could afford it. (In some places overseas it as pennies per tablet.)

This led to T3 being withdrawn from NHS prescription, except in exceptional circumstances. This in turn led to many people, mainly women, being undermedicated. In my area, my Endo was near celebratory in telling me there were 11 patients under our Trust being prescribed T3, The context was because I was the 11th patient. For me, T3 is a game changer, in a positive way.

In recent times, T3 has been reclassified again (spookily enough shortly after a renegotiation of the contract - reducing the cost, a bit), but is still a consultant only drug and their purse strings have not been noticeably relaxed.

In many areas, the NHS procurement procedures are shambolic, and in this example, near criminal.