Victoza is victory


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello everyone, not been on for a while, just to let you know I was put on victoza along with my humalin M3 and what a result. My bg have prectically halved even though they are still above 15 this is fantastic for me and I have lost 15kgs in weight in 4 months and I feel so good I could jump for joy if I was'nt attached to oxygen 24 hours per day, hope everyone is feeling good and looking forward to a nice weekend, xx
Hart thats brillaint to know very well done im on victoza on its own and recently had a 9lb weight loss so all hale Victoza x lol
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I'm really pleased for you about your good news
Hope the low BS continue for you HartHen and congrats on the weightloss! :)
How wonderful to hear! :) I hope that the success continues and - dare I say it - you get down to regular single figures! :)
Congratulations :D (and no I'm not singing along to Cliff)

Considering where you were, that?s a wonderful achievement!