Victoza info..FAO hazel and traceycat

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Little Miss Chatterbox
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
This is following on from Hazels post last week about victoza, i told you i had a mate on it and i have had a good chat this is what she said in a nutshell.
Firstly you take it once a day and that time is decided by you,your started on a small dose of 0.6mg for 1 week then you go upto 1.2g once a day if and this is a big IF your doc then may tell you to go upto 1.8 which is the maximum dose if the 1.2 is not bringing down your blood levels sufficiently......The pens come in a box of 2 and there 3ml solution pens made my novo nordisk,she takes it with 6mm fine needles also..the side effects she has had are nausea,bad wind, stomach cramps and headaches, she has said though for the first 4 months it was the worst now the side effects are less common.If anyone wants to know anything specific i can ask her for you is a picture also dont know why just thought it was added effect lol x
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thanks for the imformation on it steff, realy appreicate you finding out about it for us.
My thanks to you Steff, and your friend - many thanks

This forum is a brilliant way of obtaining info

Something to consider when I next see my consultant
My thanks to you Steff, and your friend - many thanks

This forum is a brilliant way of obtaining info

Something to consider when I next see my consultant

Thats ok she says anything she can do to help...
Hope when you see your consultent victoza can be seriously considered for you Hazel x
Victoza isn't lisenced to be used with insulin, but plenty of people are doing it. So Hazel your consultant may be doing it also.
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