Victoza and carbs

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi folks I am new on here. T2 since 2005 and always been on medication but on 2nd August had to start the Victoza journey boy oh boy. Injecting is fine its the after math after it. I will be doing a 26 mile charity walk on the 17th Sept and I am hoping I can get this in check long before then but can someone advise does Victoza react really badly to Carbs? As finding I don't want to be far away from a toilet. When I first started injecting first 4 days was sickness diahorea and a blinder of a headache. Started the double doze later than the week advised as wanted my body to have a chance and although not been sick and headache is now a dull ache. I just all of a sudden need to run to the loo- which is obviously embarrassing as I am panicking I won't make it.............any suggestions? Or books/areas I can read up more about this. Google Victoza and you would believe you were going to get cancer. Google just gives worse case. Plus side sugars have went from 19.5 to 4.3 so thats a positive - and a very happy positive. Just want the weight to go down and not to panic if I can't see or know where a loo is!! Help appreciated?
Hi AuntyJan, welcome to the forum 🙂 Very sorry to hear about the unfortunate side-effects you are getting from the Victoza :( We have had members here in the past who have used this, and it seems it's often when the dose is increased to full dose that problems are experienced for some (apart from the initial problems, which everyone seems to suffer, but then settle down). I'm not sure who might be using it here at the moment, but hopefully if someone is currently, or has in the past, they will be along to share their experiences. I'd suggest using the Search facility of the forum (box in upper right of screen) to look up previous Victoza threads, which may help.

I really hope things settle down before your walk 🙂 Great to hear that it has helped to at least bring your levels right down 🙂
Thank you will have a wee read. Better today at least not running to the loo and as you say the feeling sick will hopefully lift its only been 3 weeks but delighted with sugars coming down as been high way to long. Thank you 🙂
I have been on Victoza for a good couple of years, lost about 8 stone.

The early days were hellish, but any side effects were long gone in a couple of weeks.
I started at 0.6 and afyer 1 month moved onto 1.2. FYI 1.8 is only recommended if you are in hospital.

Stick with it - definitely
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I've been on Victoza for a few years and don't have those problems. Having said that I do got a windy, bubbly tummy sometimes which I have put down to intolerence to fat (e.g. chocolate, fried battered fish). I am finding that Victoza works better with high blood sugar, so a reading of 19 will reduce to 10 in about 2hrs after an injection. Whereas if I inject when my BG is under 10, nothing much happens, which is odd.
Just a thought are you on any other medication like Metformin?
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