VERY scary day yesterday

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I was at my boyfriend's in Northampton and we were just about to get ready to go out for something to eat. I had felt a bit low so had a bit of Lucozade but it didn't appear to work.

One minute I was feeling odd and saying that I felt low and shaky and the next I was unconscious! My poor fella thought I was messing around but when he couldn't wake me up, the paramedics were called. I was told that he has to clear my airways, make sure I was breathing, lift my legs up(?)

Anyway, paramedic gave me a shot of Glucagon and I was conscious again within a few minutes. But my levels had been down to 2.1mmol and after the shot they were 3.3mmol. Then had to have a cheese sandwich and paramedic had to stay until my levels were above 5mmol and withing half an hour or so, they were.

But that was one of the scariest things ever! Never passed out before and scared my bf half to death!!
Oh my goodness Laura! Thank goodness you weren't alone and help was called quickly! 😱 You must have been much lower than you thought and still falling when you had the lucozade.

Hope you are feeling better today - I know that the glucagon can make some people feel sick and a hypo like that is going to give you a sore head, I imagine. :(

Take care, I hope you never have to go through that again. Might be worth having a word with your team to see if they have any suggestions - your hypo awareness might be kicking in at too low a level, and not giving you enough time to treat.
Sounds scary, how do you feel now? How is your boy friend? I hope neither of you are too tramatised by it. AT least your boyfriend will know or have a better idea of what to do if you are unlucky enough to have it happen again!
Northerner- as a matter of fact it DID make me feel sick and when we were out for the meal, I couldn't eat anything other than a few peas!

Caroline- I'm fine now, he seems to be OK but was very scared then (don't blame him really!) 🙂
Phew Laura, what a horrible experience and I'm glad you and your boyfriend are Ok now. It's strange how hypos can affect you at different levels at different times.
Sounds scary, glad all is well now. Ive been having a nightmare few days, waking up at 4am and my sugar at 3.2 (even with something to eat at bedtime too!) and then throughout the day around the same a few times and not really had any signs. I have an appointment tomorrow luckily but I cant believe how rough I feel today.
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