Very High Ketones - Keto Mojo

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Has anyone ever experienced this?
I have been almost totally carnivore for over a year and lost some 50+ pounds over that time. I sometimes think i am in remission but only because my BS is around 72-85 when only eating carnivore but if I eat some carbs I can go past 185-220 and stay there for many hours so not sure if I truly in remission.

So my thinking a week or so ago, I did a 72 hour fast and use Keto Mojo to monitor my BS and Ketones. At around 48 hours I was hitting keytones around 3-4 and blood sugar stayed around low 70s. But at around the 67 hour (4:30 AM) I was up and measured 5 for keytones and still low 70s for BS.

Then the scary part hit. Within an hour I started feeling nauseous. by hour 69 I was sick. I measured my ketones twice with Keto Mojo and both times it only registered "High". Unfortunately I was scheduled for a fasting ultrasound in about 3 hours from that time so I just went without eating carbs to get out of that "High" state. Immediately after the ultrasound I went to a fast food place and got what I thought would be the highest in sugar and carbs. In about 1.5 to 2 hours after eating my keytones dropped and I felt recovery from the nausea.

Many doctors state diabetic ketoacidosis is not possible when one is type 2 diabetic.

Has anyone else ever experienced this?

Thank you so very much UK!
Welcome @stevesdl 🙂 That sounds very scary! I think @Lucyr has had diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and I’m sure I’ve read of other Type 2s having it too. It’s rare but definitely possible. In addition, even people without diabetes can get ketoacidosis.

If I were you, I’d increase my carbs a little - not just to reduce the chance of high ketones, but to hopefully improve your insulin resistance and be able to eat more healthily.
Welcome @stevesdl 🙂 That sounds very scary! I think @Lucyr has had diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and I’m sure I’ve read of other Type 2s having it too. It’s rare but definitely possible. In addition, even people without diabetes can get ketoacidosis.

If I were you, I’d increase my carbs a little - not just to reduce the chance of high ketones, but to hopefully improve your insulin resistance and be able to eat more healthily.
Yes, I can’t eat a low carb diet because I get ketones and symptoms of ketoacidosis very easily. I’ve only actually had DKA caused by empagliflozin, but there have been numerous other times where I’ve felt sick, had high ketones, been sick, and fixed it myself without a hospital admission by eating some sugar/carbs and taking insulin (which I normally take) with it.

In theory as I still produce small amounts of insulin that should protect me from DKA and perhaps that’s why I’ve never had a serious hospitalised at risk of death type DKA but rather just had early resolved successfully ones, but I do think some people are more prone to getting ketones and feeling ill from them than others.

I’d work out how many carbs you need to avoid ketones and be careful to eat that many each day
Euglycemic Diabetic Ketoacidosis can occur in Type 2 diabetics and is known to be associated with very low-carb diets, though it appears to be rare. Similar conditions can occur in people without diabetes - e.g. alcoholic ketoacidosis - which can occur following binge drinking followed by vomiting. From what I can gather, in susceptible individuals, it's risky to run on fats alone for long periods of time.

Have you had your cPeptide checked when your system has been stimulated by carbs @stevesdl ?

Might be helpful for you to know how much insulin your system is able to release when it needs to?

It does seem like an ultra-low-carb diet isn’t ideal for you, and maybe you would do better with enough carbs to keep insulin levels up enough to reduce your ketones?
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