Very High Hba1c

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
My Step son has been to see consultant this morning and they have told him his level is very high (again) and his treatment isn’t working, Hba1c 159, they said within 1 year his organs will start failing if they can’t control it.

He has to wait for a phone call from the hospital as to whether they will increase his insulin to see if that will work. This has come as a shock to all concerned, he already has to self catheterise, he is 41, he has a Libre flash monitor fitted.

What can we expect to happen or should happen to help in this situation.

many thanks for reading
Is your stepson type 1 or type 2, and how long has he been diagnosed?
What does he eat on a typical day? What type of insulin(s) is he on?
Sorry for all the questions but a bit more information will help us to answer your question! Yes it's possible that he needs an adjustment to his insulin dose, can he not do this himself or has he not been diagnosed very long? It's also quite possible that an adjustment to his diet might help, if he eats lots of carbohydrates every day then cutting down on them would make a difference. This means all carbohydrates, not just sugar. What readings does his Libre usually give, the normal range is roughly 4-8, presumably with the hba1c as high as it is he must be getting readings a lot higher than that?

Sorry I can't be more help than that, but there are so many variables!
Sorry Sally71, he was wrongly diagnosed about 5 or6 years ago as being type 2, now being treated as type 1. I’m not sure what insulins he take or amounts. I will try and get him to subscribe and he can ask himself. Thanks for replying.
Aha, then it sounds like he probably needs some fairly massive adjustments to his insulin regime, and maybe a bit of help regarding what to do day to day if his Libre tells him he's high. But yes, if he can log on himself and give us more info about what insulins he takes and when, and how does he deal with it when his Libre tells him he's high, and anything else he thinks might be relevant, then we can maybe give a better answer.
Really sorry to hear about your step son’s situation @Janwhy :(

it sounds like he has had a really rough ride, and nothing like enough help and support along the way.

Hopefully he can learn to adjust his own doses and use the information from Libre to improve his day-to-day life.

Has he ever been offered an education course like DAFNE?
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