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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Anybody on a paradigm veo I am starting one next week after 26 years of injections looking forward to it as needing a big change to my hba1c! But also slightly nervous big changes and being attached 24/7 any info and advice would be great
Congratulations on getting the pump Jojo! We have quite a few members on the Veo, so I'm sure they'll be along to share their experiences 🙂 Good luck!
Honistly you dont know its there after a couple of days ! It is very different from injections. I used to miss meals altogether because of the performance of injecting (45yrs). But now !! Enjoy your new veo & let us know how you are in a couple of weeks. 😉

Honistly you dont know its there after a couple of days ! It is very different from injections. I used to miss meals altogether because of the performance of injecting (45yrs). But now !! Enjoy your new veo & let us know how you are in a couple of weeks. 😉

Thanks for your message I can't wait to get it was meant to get it today but the nurse who was doing it her flight was delayed so she isn't back in time but hopefully next week :D annoying as I got all built up ready for it today but hey can't be helped so it's helped u loads then has it an improved ur hba1c levels? Cause mine have been between 10-12 for way to long now.
Hope it goes well Jojo 🙂 a hba1c of 10 - 12 definitely needs something to change it so I hope you see an improvement 🙂 if you're age 18 - 35 you should think about coming to a Circle D or North London Young Diabetics meetup 🙂
Hi Jojo and welcome. I'm on a Veo pump as well since March, and I got my HbA1C down by 2% after 3 months 🙂 it's been great so far! A lot of work in the beginning setting everything up right but it's so worth it!

My daughter has the Veo and it has been absolutely fine, easy to use. It doesn't bother her despite looking a bit big against her little bod, she is keen to get re-attached to it after her bath! I'm sure it won't take long to get used to wearing it. Good luck, can take a bit of effort initially to get all your rates right 🙂


My daughter has the Veo and it has been absolutely fine, easy to use. It doesn't bother her despite looking a bit big against her little bod, she is keen to get re-attached to it after her bath! I'm sure it won't take long to get used to wearing it. Good luck, can take a bit of effort initially to get all your rates right 🙂

Hi was just wondering How long you can leave the pump off for when you go swimming and the shower etc?

We were told up to an hour, DSN thought for something like swimming the activity level would compensate for lack of basal, we just check BG after to make sure all ok. Bath is just around 20 mins so has no effect that we have found and don't check for this small period 🙂
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