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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Been at the nurse this morning and I have the flu (nurse suspects it might even be the swine flu :confused: ) As a result she didnt take my bloods for my HbA1c.

On the plus side I put my argument across for a testing kit and now have one! She has only given me one box of 50 strips and I have been told that they have to last me 6 months but at least I have some.

Going back to my bed now...
50 for 6 months?????? Goodness me! Well, one thing is at least you have got some and a machine, thats the first thing! Well done.

Hope you feel better

hey cazscot sorry to hear you have the flu but wooo well done on at last getting kit its better then nothing i guess

try and chill and get plenty rest x p.s i get thru 25 in 4 weeks 50 in 6 month wowzers!!!

im just wondering how much the test strips are? are they expensive?
this is crazy...the gps get them free from the manufacturers...
im just wondering how much the test strips are? are they expensive?
Depends on the type but around ?25 for a pot of fifty from the chemist, a little less online.
Just found this offer at LifePharmacy 3x50 Freestyle Freedom Lite test strips for ?55.99. Abbot's thin Lancets x 200 for ?8.95
I'm pretty sure that's meters, not strips, but I could be wrong. The strips are where they get the money, that's why they do so many giveaways for the meter units.

opps your right...but i got free strips with them then no prob getting more at the moment....but i think im just lucky x
yikes didnt realise they were so expensive. Im in Ireland so its all free. I go through about 25 strips every 2 days and don't give it a second thought.
yikes didnt realise they were so expensive. Im in Ireland so its all free. I go through about 25 strips every 2 days and don't give it a second thought.

they are free for all type 1s in the UK, just not for all type 2s.

12 strips a day though, that's quite alot!!
thats a lot of testing Lo! Still I'm not critising honest!

It's because you're T1 that you get as many as you need, some tight wads don't let our T2 friends test that much! Also could be an Irish thing too! A mate has a medical issue has been mucked around by the health service for years, his brother in Ireland in a matter of weeks is on the best route for a similar problem, some things are just not fair!🙄
they are free for all type 1s in the UK, just not for all type 2s.

12 strips a day though, that's quite alot!!

graham use about 10 a day is not a lot:D
50 strips will last me anything between 4-5 days
You can always try and order some more earlier. Or you could go and speak to the Dr/nurse and show how you have used the strips, what the testing has taught you, how you have made changes based on that information etc. What I think they don't want is people just testing for the sake of it and not being able to interpret the results and do anything with them.

I probably test 4-6 times a day depending on what I am doing
I'm currently the same as Sofaraway, I test between four and six times a day.
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