Valencian Health Authority

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I am new to the site and hope I am not repeating something that has already been covered elsewhere.

I am a type 1 diabetic, for 46 years now, and moved to Spain some 6 years ago as an early retiree. At that time health care in the Valencian region was free. This was obviously an important factor for me when deciding to move here.

Now Valencia is withdrawing that cover and asking us to pay 90 euros amonth for the health cover (doctors, hospitals etc.) plus 40% of all prescription charges.

It is this second item that is the big problem for me as 40% of my medications will add up to 200 euros , or more, each month.

I understand, maybe not approve, of the Valencian requirement for some sort of subscription and can manage that monthly cost. It is the medication cost that is crippling.

Has anyone else got this problem, or perhaps found a solution?
hi patricjb, welcome to the site.

i'm sorry to hear about this. i don't have anything that can help, but just wanted to say hello, and that i hope you find something/someone who will be able to help.
Hi Patric, welcome to the forum (don't ever worry about posting something that someone's already mentioned, new people join and read all the time, so it's good to have stuff going round again. But I don't think you need to worry ..... )

Sorry I can't help either, but I take it you've looked into the possibility of exemptions/discounts for regular & multiple medications?

Sorry, I can't be much help either. My cousin, who lives near San Sebastian and was diagnosed a few weeks after me, has private medical insurance and all her costs are covered by that,
Hi patricjb, sorry I am unable to help but welcome onboard. Over the years I have had to buy some medication in both German and Belgium, and it was scarily expensive.

By the way you move into number two spot for years on insulin. Bazza is first with 53 years and McCueColin third with 44 years. Rainbow and myself slip to 4th equal on 42 years. Thats 227 years between us - I won't try and work out the number of jabs!
Hi Patric,
A couple of years ago the French health authorities decided to change the existing position as to health care in line with the EU Directive 2004/38EC . This requires that people who move to an EU country and are inactive, and not covered by an E121(as people with state pensions are entitled to) need to have private health insurance. This was totally contrary to the former postion where (in France) private health care had been illegal and wveryone had to belong to the national system for which contributions were paid. Obviously people who had prior conditions or had developed them after moving were in an impossible position.
After a great deal of hard lobbying include the European parliament, letters to the health minister , the press and most importantly with the help of the Mininster for Europe, the French government changed their minds for those people already in the system. The rules are different for newcommers,Lobbying does work.
However, according to the directive if you have been living legally in an EU country for 5 years then you acquire the right of permanent residence and are entitled to the same considerations as a national including being able to belong to the national health care system on the same terms as a National of that country. This of course will not help if you are being offered health care on the same terms as a Spanish National (who is inactive)
This site has some details about the EU law and links to the directive. (it was the site used to co-ordinate lobbying)
Good luck, I know how worrying it is to be in your position,
Hi Patricjb, welcome to this site. Not sure if there are any other members resident in Valencia, but hope you can find some solution to the raising costs, most likely through Spanish diabetes organisations, as it sounds like the rules have changed for everyone. I'm assuming that you can speak / read etc, having been resident for 6 years?
aren't there a few members in the canaries? are they in the same situation?may be can help??
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