Using the next sensor - Libre 2

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Its getting near to the time to replace my first sensor. Can't get my head around what to do though. Do I put the new sensor on the other arm and start it when I take the old one off - is it that simple ?
Its getting near to the time to replace my first sensor. Can't get my head around what to do though. Do I put the new sensor on the other arm and start it when I take the old one off - is it that simple ?
It can be that simple @berryr99. But there are some techniques that are worth knowing about and can make your Libre experience better.

Firstly many people find it helpful to fit their Libre early, but to not activate it until the old one has expired. This gives some time for the new one to be accepted by your body, leading to a more stable start once it is activated. I personally used to fit my next Libre 48 hours ahead, but that might be considered extreme by some.

Secondly, I always only fit my Libre on my left side and never on my right. I sleep on my right and it can be easy to get compression lows and unnecessary low alarms from sleeping on the sensor. Easy avoided for me by always only using my left. I find I can achieve 3 positions on my upper, back, left arm.
Do I put the new sensor on the other arm and start it when I take the old one off - is it that simple ?
Yes. You can use the same arm (just don't use exactly the same place), and you can remove the old one and wait a bit before applying the next one, or apply the next one and later remove the old one. You can't (with the official software, anyway) have more than one initialised at the same time.
Its getting near to the time to replace my first sensor. Can't get my head around what to do though. Do I put the new sensor on the other arm and start it when I take the old one off - is it that simple ?
I always alternate arms, it’s a matter of preference. When your old one expires, if you try and scan it, your reader or phone will tell you it’s ended and give you the option to 'start new sensor'. If you’ve applied the new one before your old one runs out, and you accidentally scan the wrong one, don’t worry, it’ll alert you, and ask if you really want to start a new sensor before the old one has ended, so you can say no, and go on to scan the correct one.
I'm like @Robin and alternate arms but it is a matter of preference.
I use alternate arms too! Annoyingly sleep on both sides so I have to be quite careful.
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