Using Libre scans in pump

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Does anyone else use their values from the Libre in their pump?

Whilst with loads of people who are using the Medtronic or Omnipod they rarely did Blood Glucose tests as they simply entered their value from the Libre manually (not possible on my Accu Check)

If you do this, do you use the arrows and/or the time lag, to make an adjustment to values that you enter when then using the Bolus calculator.
I use the values from my Libre with the Omnipod. If I'm showing a downward arrow, I usually take stock of how I feel - if I feel ok, I ignore it, if I feel possibly on the way to hypo then I don't change my dose but keep an eye on things after eating with the libre as it just tends to delay the hypo a bit. I used to change dose when there was a downward arrow but found that it was too unreliable as I could never seem to strike the balance to reduce by the right amount if that makes sense. Like, I know how many jelly babies I need for a hypo but not how much insulin to knock off (particularly as a lot of my doses are extended these days!). As for the time lag, I pretend it doesn't exist because frankly, it's rare for my levels to be swinging quickly enough to make a significant difference.

The only exception to the above is if I've been exercising, in which case I reduce by about 20% and top up if needed later.

Hope that makes sense! 🙂
That makes perfect sense @Sprogladite . Very helpful.
I am definitely heading towards a Medtronic.

I just need to sort out how to access the pump when wearing a dress. Not a problem with Combo as the delivery is by Bluetooth
That makes perfect sense @Sprogladite . Very helpful.
I am definitely heading towards a Medtronic.

I just need to sort out how to access the pump when wearing a dress. Not a problem with Combo as the delivery is by Bluetooth
If it helps, communication with the Omnipod is done via radio waves so access would be fine with that...just have to have the PDM vaguely waved in the direction of the pod and it's good to go lol 🙂
If it helps, communication with the Omnipod is done via radio waves so access would be fine with that...just have to have the PDM vaguely waved in the direction of the pod and it's good to go lol 🙂
That seems a good compromise but I am not sure that I want a lumpy pump stuck to me.
I have a few months to sort out my decision.
I went up Scar-Fell in my 50yr of T1 with a Libra in the pouring rain (could NOT do finger stick tests) with perfect BG. Good luck SB 🙂
That seems a good compromise but I am not sure that I want a lumpy pump stuck to me.
I have a few months to sort out my decision.
I believe omnipod have a thing where they will send out a "demo kit" which is basically an empty pod you can stick on to see how it feels. I was the same as you in that regard but have to say it doesn't bother me at all now I'm using it 🙂
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