Use of mobile applications in the self-management of diabetes

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Hi everyone!

I am a Master’s student at UCL (University College London), and am currently conducting a research project that focuses on the role of mobile applications (apps) in the self-management of diabetes. Given the chronic nature of diabetes, mobile apps already play an invaluable role in empowering diabetics to manage their own condition. However, there is still a low active usage of mobile apps amongst diabetics today. Therefore, my goal is to do more research, by conducting a short survey (survey link below), into how we can make diabetes apps more useful and valuable to diabetes patients. This will involve looking at the trends on how diabetics use mobile applications, the solutions that diabetics are looking for in mobile apps, and the drawbacks of currently available diabetes apps. The aim is to eventually draft a proposal to provide stakeholders in the medical market with recommendations on improving the functionality of diabetes management apps so that they are better tailored to patient preferences.

This project is conducted under the supervision of UCL, and is supported by MSD, a global pharmaceutical company that focuses on diabetes research (website link below). It is not tailored to MSD however, as the research questions have a much broader scope and objective. Therefore, all stakeholders can use the results of this survey. My survey has also been approved by the UCL Research Ethics Committee, and Diabetes UK have kindly given me permission to post my survey on this forum.

As member of the Diabetes UK community, you are invited to participate in this short survey. I would really appreciate it if you could spare 5 minutes of your time to complete the survey if you satisfy these inclusion criteria:

· Have a confirmed diagnosis of diabetes type 1 or 2, and
· Are aged 18 years or above

The survey does not ask for any personal details, and your responses are anonymous. The data will not be used in any way that would allow your identification, and all efforts will be made to keep the data strictly confidential. Your participation in this study is entirely voluntary and you can withdraw at any time before submitting the survey. Consent to participate and for the data to be used for specified purposes is implied by submitting the completed survey. At the end of the study, I will share the key results of my study with you via this Diabetes UK forum.

Thank you in advance for taking part, your time and feedback. Your support is very much appreciated!

Survey link:

MSD website:

(Please feel free to contact me at if you have any questions about the survey.)
Hi all, this research has been approved.

NOTE: Research studies posted in this forum are independent of Diabetes UK. By consenting to share personal data with researchers or third parties, you are abiding by privacy policies and confidentiality agreements set out by the third party and not Diabetes UK . Diabetes UK does not endorse research projects posted in this forum and is not liable for any research content.
Done! Good luck with your research. (I'm a UCL alumna!)
Done. Good luck with your research
Done, good luck from me too.
Done good luck.
Done. Though I don’t use an App, I would if it had all the features I ticked!

Thanks, Ruby, and best of luck with the Masters🙂
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