use of a Samsung A15 smart phone with their Libre patch?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Does anybody successfully use a Samsung A15 smart phone with their Libre patch?
A man in Vodaphone shop recommended it to me, but I'd value you're experience.
Thanks for any replies.
Hi Yeeta,

Not A15 but my wife has A23 and I have an older A50. Both have NFC and work with my Libre sensor. I don't know if that is some comfort.


Thanks Chris, I hadn't thought of asking if it had Near Field Communication. A very valid point. Looking at the website this phone seems to have NFC.
I've never owned a smart phone, so this is all new to me!
Ideally you also need BlueTooth as well as NFC. The alarms and full CGM operate by BT but the phone needs NFC to scan the sensor to start it.
Ideally you also need BlueTooth as well as NFC. The alarms and full CGM operate by BT but the phone needs NFC to scan the sensor to start it.
Thanks for that advice, I'll check it out. I did discover the Samsung A15 does have NFC, so I'll now check for Blue Tooth.
Yes, it does have Blue Tooth too.
That sounds like it has all that I would require to use with Libre patch, doesn't it?
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