Urine Test Results - Should I be worried

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I already know I have type 2 diabetes (diagnosed 3 days ago) but I havent got my diabetic clinic appointment until August 11th so have purchased some urine dip sticks and just tested my urine, these are my results. My sisters told me off for doing the test but my mum may have been saved if they caught her ovarian cancer in time so if this gets me a diagnosis and treatment surely its a good thing? I am wary though that an increase in leukocytes may mean something else if you are diabetic. Ive scared myself a bit here and would welcome some reassurance. I had porridge and blue berries for breakfast, a low fat, low sugar yoghurt before going out today, and then just loads of water as nothing at the fair I could eat. (basically doughnuts, candyfloss, bear and burgers) so I went from 10am - 5pm without eating. I then had a chicken salad (no carbs) and then 30 mins later took the urine test

Ketone3.9If you do a urine ketone test, a result of more than 2+ means there's a high chance you have DKA and you should get medical help immediately. - Could this also be normal ketosis as I have cut out carbs so fat burning?
bloodNone present
ProteinTraceEarly Kidney Disease or possible ovarian cancer linked with below result
nitriteNone present
leukolytesCA125++OVARIAN CANCER - Scares me the most as my mum died of this.
GlucoseNormalUnder 9mmol
asorbic acid2.8When a urine sample has high levels of ascorbic acid, the reagent pads for blood, glucose, nitrite, and bilirubin may not react properly. This especially interferes with blood measurements at low levels. Clinicians should consider asking whether the patient is taking vitamin C when collecting a urine sample.2
PH6.6Acidic - within normal range
Specific Gravity1030Specific gravity results above 1.010 can indicate mild dehydration. The higher the number, the more dehydrated you may be. - I have been on a very long dog walk and out all day at a fayre and although drank 2 bottles of water, it was hot so this makes sense
One thing about doing those sort of home tests is knowing how to read the results properly and how interpret the results without scaring ones self to death.
The one of immediate concern would be the ketone result but this could be if you hadn't eaten or drunk much.
Make sure you are properly hydrated and repeat the test in an hour or so. If it still shows high then maybe ring 111, this may be an over reaction but it might put your mind at rest
Do you have symptoms of something @Jenny65 ? Why did you test your urine?
I have no symptoms but having been recently diagnosed with diabetes and having a feeling that something was going on inside of me. Both my parents died of cancer, my dad had bowel cancer and my mum had ovarian cancer (both were in their 70s though, and I am late 50s)

My blood test results show liver issues and high cholesterol as well as a high plasma glucose level, and also the inflammation marker was raised. My doctor is addressing the sugar by sending me to diabetes clinic, the cholesterol by sending me to a lipid clinic (looking for hereditary link as both parents had high cholesterol), she is also arranging a liver scan.

I have been following a low fat, low sugar, low carb diet since Wednesday so I assume the 3.9 ketones is that im in ketosis rather then DKA (blood test would indicate DKA and urine - it says starvation ketosis) - today I had a long period of not eating between meals and I feel permanently hungry, although I thought ketosis stops you feeling hungry - just hoping its ketosis and not Ketoacidosis. I assume I am type 2 and think its type 1 at risk but I may be wrong, still learning and although reading up on as much as I can its overwelming.

I had a truly lovely day today. My son called me and asked if I wanted to go on a dog walk with him, we went and walked his 2 lovely whippets, Wilbur and Luna, then he asked me to go to a fayre at a teacher friends school, it was lovely, it was at The Royal Alexandra and Albert School in Reigate and had a dog show and they did a life saving show of how dogs save lives (cant remember the breed), anyway we walked a long way, up and down hills etc, my sons friend said he was amazed at how quickly I managed to walk up the steep hills. I only drank water as the only food available was high sugar treats or alcohol. My son tried to get me to have a smoothie (he had a kale one) but I was led to believe that smoothies and juices are bad for diabetics, so didnt have anything until I got home at 5pm (could that cause the reading I wonder)

I will of course ask the doctor but its Sunday and I just wanted to talk to someone I guess :(

I will of course ask the doctor but its Sunday and I just wanted to talk to someone I guess :(
Hi Jenny, I've no idea about your urine test results I'm afraid (something for you to mention to the GP when you see them), but I did see that you've lost 4Kg, so congratulations on that, you sound like you're doing well with your dieting.
Good stuff, Sarah
Hi Jenny, I've no idea about your urine test results I'm afraid (something for you to mention to the GP when you see them), but I did see that you've lost 4Kg, so congratulations on that, you sound like you're doing well with your dieting.
Good stuff, Sarah
Thank you Sarah, it means a lot to hear something positive 🙂 Its odd as I have a very long way to go (probably 5 stone in total) but my son said my face looks slimmer already. I tend to lose weight from my face first, the last place I lose it is my stomach (i have very thin legs, slim arms and feet so its my middle and my face that has all the weight on it, so 5 stone on there makes me look like a balloon 🙂

How are you getting on? Have you had a good weekend?
Reading up on this further it looks like I dont have any of the other signs of DKA, my glucose level was normal on the test strip so i think its a combination of being out all day exercising without eating and being dehydrated. I will test in the morning to see if there is a change
Thank you Sarah, it means a lot to hear something positive 🙂 Its odd as I have a very long way to go (probably 5 stone in total) but my son said my face looks slimmer already. I tend to lose weight from my face first, the last place I lose it is my stomach (i have very thin legs, slim arms and feet so its my middle and my face that has all the weight on it, so 5 stone on there makes me look like a balloon 🙂

How are you getting on? Have you had a good weekend?
Thanks Jenny, I'm getting on with my diet, I'm probably a stone to go, but have lost 4 so far. Weekend's been quiet, so all good.
Good to see that your son has noticed changes already with weight loss - shows it's working.
I can recommend taking photos of yourself/ your face on your phone each month to track the weight loss progress. I've done this and have a very jowly photo from October which reminds me to step away from the fridge when I feel like eating lots of cheese.
Keep at it, you're doing splendidly so far! Sarah
Eating low carb or not having eaten much can cause ketones so with a normal blood sugar it's very unlikely to be DKA. The exception is if you take a medication with 'flozin' in the name and have ketones then you need to get checked out - you can't eat a low carb diet when taking flozins and have to check ketones if feel unwell at all, because they can cause DKA with normal blood sugars.
Just done another test and all normal this time except trace of protein and dehydration. Glucose normal and all Lukecytes gone back down to almost none.
Just done another test and all normal this time except trace of protein and dehydration. Glucose normal and all Lukecytes gone back down to almost none.
Your dehydration could be because of the dandelion extract as it is a diuretic. I think you need to be careful of taking such a cocktail of herbal remedies.
Your dehydration could be because of the dandelion extract as it is a diuretic. I think you need to be careful of taking such a cocktail of herbal remedies.
Hi,the dandelion extract hasnt arrived yet, and I have stopped the milk thistle, so just green tea at the moment but 🙂 x
I'm not a doc and couldn't say on your results but when I was diagnosed I was dehydrated badly and the main thing I was told is drink lots of water, at least 2.5lts a day (even after they get me 'right') wether I was thirsty or not as it would help flush the system of excess sugars and other stuff.
I'm not a doc and couldn't say on your results but when I was diagnosed I was dehydrated badly and the main thing I was told is drink lots of water, at least 2.5lts a day (even after they get me 'right') wether I was thirsty or not as it would help flush the system of excess sugars and other stuff.
Yep, as most of us were - the terrible twins! (polydipsia and polyuria) And the only cold drink on offer to inpatients from the NHS 50 years ago was Adam's Ale/Corporation Pop ! So - that's what we drank.

I'm just not all that fond of it though to be honest - but any port in a storm!
I'm not a doc and couldn't say on your results but when I was diagnosed I was dehydrated badly and the main thing I was told is drink lots of water, at least 2.5lts a day (even after they get me 'right') wether I was thirsty or not as it would help flush the system of excess sugars and other stuff.
100% agree with this, I know I dont drink enough, trying to change this now, but I have to remind myself to drink, always have as never thirsty and not visited the loo much before either, which I stupidly thought well im not thirsty and not going to the loo loads so im not diabetic, looks like its not always the case.

In 2012 I went for a blood test and the nurse sent me away to drink as she couldnt get blood as I was so dehydrated (those results were fine by the way, although oddly enough I complained of a pain in the area my liver is) and that is now whats being scanned and investigated (premonition perhaps 🙂 )

I do think drinking water will help me considerably though and agree with you on this
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