Urgent question re overnight basal testing

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
blood sugars currently 14.3 😱:( No idea how, I thought I'd carb counted dinner right


I was planning on doing an overnight basal test tonight. Can I still do it even if I've corrected now? My sheet says to do the first test at middnight or so...

brb not feeling well.
I think doing it by the book (John Walsh's?) recommends that basal tests should begin with in-range bgs.

I've had a rubbish day too. Hope we both have a better day tomorrow!
I think doing it by the book (John Walsh's?) recommends that basal tests should begin with in-range bgs.

I've had a rubbish day too. Hope we both have a better day tomorrow!

If I'm heding towards in-range by middnight, I think I'll do one. I've got an hour and twenty to let the insulin do its work. Something needs doing tonight, I'm not sure how much longer I can go waking up with levels over 12 :(

Hope you have a better day tomorrow too x
If your levels are not within the required range for basal testing then dont do it. Its never really 'urgent' to do a basal test - its when its convenient to do it. Why do you need to do it tonight?:confused:Bev
If your levels are not within the required range for basal testing then dont do it. Its never really 'urgent' to do a basal test - its when its convenient to do it. Why do you need to do it tonight?:confused:Bev

bev, i've been waking up with levels of 12-14 most mornings and mostly with trace ketones. I want something done and sorted because i'm so close to crying yet again over this stupid blummin pump :( plus, this is my only free night to do so as am not at work tomorrow, but at work monday. And I don't really want to leave it another week :(

oh epic :(

had the same problem this morning, they just kept rising and rising before deciding to crash through the floor. what on earth is going WRONG! And why did it have to happen tonight of all nights when i actually wanted to basal test

bev, i've been waking up with levels of 12-14 most mornings and mostly with trace ketones. I want something done and sorted because i'm so close to crying yet again over this stupid blummin pump :( plus, this is my only free night to do so as am not at work tomorrow, but at work monday. And I don't really want to leave it another week :(

Right - I see what your saying - how about testing at 12 - 3 - and 6 and seeing what your levels are and where the rise starts. If you want to post your levels in the morning I am sure we can all try to suggest changes. Ketones are fine up to 0.6 - so dont worry.🙂Bev
Right - I see what your saying - how about testing at 12 - 3 - and 6 and seeing what your levels are and where the rise starts. If you want to post your levels in the morning I am sure we can all try to suggest changes. Ketones are fine up to 0.6 - so dont worry.🙂Bev

thanks bev (she says through the tears). I'm hoping by bed they start to come down. I'm refusing to correct because I *think* dinner insulin is still kicking around, as well as the tiny teeny correction from earlier. It won't be a "true" indication but I guess it would give something of a picture?

I know *something* is going wrong overnight, but I don't really understand where. The last time I did one was oneof those random enigma nights where everything was perfect :/

not a problem maybe, but they still make me feel rubbish :( I'd never seen anything higher than 0.1 before the other day. Got a 0.4 and may have freaked out a little... :(

(I am currently in the middle of a huge rage/upsetted-ness over this whole stupid thing right now, blasted pancreas!)
Although your starting off high - it will be good to see what happens because it will give us an idea of how and when you rise so we can see if there is a trend going on. Could you post your levels in the morning and we can take it from there? Dont worry and take yourself off to bed - sleep will do you good and you need to set your alarm for the various times.🙂Bev
Although your starting off high - it will be good to see what happens because it will give us an idea of how and when you rise so we can see if there is a trend going on. Could you post your levels in the morning and we can take it from there? Dont worry and take yourself off to bed - sleep will do you good and you need to set your alarm for the various times.🙂Bev

thank you 🙂 I will totally post them in the morning, and will compare to the last one I did (bar the odd enigma night). Most nights around 3am I find myself between 11-13 :/

Alarms are set on both meter and phone. Sgonna be a loooooong night 🙂
Right - I see what your saying - how about testing at 12 - 3 - and 6 and seeing what your levels are and where the rise starts. If you want to post your levels in the morning I am sure we can all try to suggest changes. Ketones are fine up to 0.6 - so dont worry.🙂Bev


I'm around tomorrow as well Bev.

Sam don't get so stressed about it, it can be sorted. You may find you are fine all night and it is about 5 am and those levels just go on up, it may be that simple. Do what Bev said and test at those times only.

I'm around tomorrow as well Bev.

Sam don't get so stressed about it, it can be sorted. You may find you are fine all night and it is about 5 am and those levels just go on up, it may be that simple. Do what Bev said and test at those times only.

oh adrienne, you make it sound so simple!!! Do you know what its like though, when you just try and try with something and can never seem to get it right? Its kind of irritating me :/

will do that though, and fingers crossed something crops up. Am at 13.6 now, hurrah.

Thanks guys - tears have been shed tonight, matts shoulder is a bit soggy lol but thanks for the help.
oh adrienne, you make it sound so simple!!! Do you know what its like though, when you just try and try with something and can never seem to get it right? Its kind of irritating me :/

will do that though, and fingers crossed something crops up. Am at 13.6 now, hurrah.

Thanks guys - tears have been shed tonight, matts shoulder is a bit soggy lol but thanks for the help.

See the thing with me and Bev and the other mums, we really have no idea how you guys feels. We feel a totally whole load of other emotions as it is our children who have this horrid condition/illness/whatever you call it. I would love to be able to help you with emotions and of course if you are higher then you are even more emotional, it must be a nightmare for you all and I take my hat off to each and every one of you, 1's, 2's, 1.5's etc.

We can only help you with the practical bits. Good luck tonight. I'm going to be up as well as Jessica seems to have a temp. It started at 39 and now down to 37.7 or .8 ish. She levels are fine but they went to the 20's last night so am bracing myself.

See the thing with me and Bev and the other mums, we really have no idea how you guys feels. We feel a totally whole load of other emotions as it is our children who have this horrid condition/illness/whatever you call it. I would love to be able to help you with emotions and of course if you are higher then you are even more emotional, it must be a nightmare for you all and I take my hat off to each and every one of you, 1's, 2's, 1.5's etc.

We can only help you with the practical bits. Good luck tonight. I'm going to be up as well as Jessica seems to have a temp. It started at 39 and now down to 37.7 or .8 ish. She levels are fine but they went to the 20's last night so am bracing myself.


ee gads adrienne, big virtual hugs being sent your way for you and jess. Will be sending groggy silly o clock thoughts your way too 🙂

right with the emotions coming out when high. that's when i burst into tears all over matt bless him. I don't know how he puts up with it 😱 he gets the utter anger when I'm hypo and the tears/sadness when high. Poor bloke 😱
How did you go last night?

Didn't see this last night otherwise Iwould have posted then..

You'll stacking your insulin when you end up crashing after running high, easy to avoid by using the IOB feature of your pump... This will give you the active amount of insulin in the body at any one time..

What did you have for your tea? if it was high in fats this could make you insulin resident causing the high! I don't mean chips etc, but food iteams such as high fat meats, cheeses etc..

If you did the fasting test last night, the info gained isn't sadly going to be that helpfull... As you do really need the starting BG to be in range of what you would normally expect, also the afternoon etc to be near normal, otherwise the changes in routine etc can diguise what is really happen, with time lags ect..
Bev and Adrienne,

If i learnt anything last night, it was that doing it was the wrong idea. I was perfect all night :/ Rose a bit at 6am then down to 6.4 at breakfast (admittedly that was only about 10 minutes ago)...

I'm going to give it another go on tuesday night when we get back from london.

Now I'm going to go and hide away from diabetes today. Having a rough time of it at the moment again but nevermind. There's ice cream in the freezer that's got my name on it. I'll catch you all soon, dunno when though.
Sam you?ve got your answer, you going to have to basal test every night, as it seems you don?t get problems when you are testing!

If you take a look at this link http://www.diatribe.us/issues/13/learning-curve.php it will show the criteria needed for achieving a good quality basal test that produces useable data.

If you read this is explains why last nights data is really unusable, as you made corrections so this would have influenced your night time basal. Also it shows why it isn?t a good idea to do your next night time basal test when you go to London, as you will be out of your normal routine so there will be no knowing whether any of the readings you get, have been impacted on from earlier events... (I know that when I do any long distance driving, that it?s not only the driving I need to adjust my pump settings, but I also have to adjust my pump over night, due to a time lag that happens over night or face a hypo)

Another tip to good basal testing, is avoid slow carbs, and high fats foods, keeping constant carb amounts for meals for several days before the basal test.. This makes it a lot easier to see what is happening with your food and then when it comes to the basal testing it?s a lot easier to see what is actually happening..

I understand that you do shifts as well, so here you need to concentrate on each shift separately building a separate profile for each shift... I?ve managed to fine tune my profiles for work that they are actually tailored to what Kennels blocks I?m working in (so I have 3 work profiles in total)

While you collecting data, it would also be wise to keep an eye on whether you wizard perimeters are set correctly, as if you?ve used data that was fundamentally incorrect, then you?ll never going to achieve good control, as in reality a pump can only do what it is told, wizards can only calculate the information it?s given if this is out, then any calculation will be also be out..

And sadly there isn?t any fast track method of collecting the necessary information... It?s a slow methodical collection in all the years pumping, I?ve not come across a pumper who?s gained good control using any fast track methods they?ve dreamed up!
Thanks for that Ellie - I have come across Gary Scheiner's site a few times and it seems to be one of those excellent guides, a bit like Jennifer's advice for the Type 2s 🙂 I'm trying to take in all I am reading about the ups and downs of pumps, should I ever get the chance of one. Reading the other posts about the pros and cons is really starting to sway my opinion, but it's useful to read of the problems that do occur and how best to deal with them (although obviously I would wish that people weren't having problems!). I'll put the link into our Newbies 'Useful Links' and also the Links section.

Sam, I hope that you get settled with the pump soon, it must be very frustrating.
I'm wondering whether to do one tonight and risk being a bit tired at work tomorrow? After all, I'm in tomorrow on a 12-8 and then off for 2 days. I just don't even know.

I'm so fed up of it. I'm not even sure how to begin working out which profile I have for a 12-8 or a 9-5 (they're the only shifts I do...).

This is pants and I'm starting to hate it.

During the day I seem to be *mostly* ok. Last nights 14 was odd...it just means I'm never having roast duck for dinner again :(

Its korma tonight and I know exactly how to play that one! It might be worth just doing a couple of tests overnight tonight just to see how it goes. Unfortunately basal testing every night might be a little bit too much for me 😉
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