Urea blood levels

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have just got some more general blood test results and it seems my urea levels are going up now 🙄

In the units of mg/dL in my plot below, 50 is the max they give here in Portugal, so I am not hugely over, but the sudden increase is a bit disturbing. This is the same as 8.35 mmol/L - but its the sudden leap that is more important than the exact max value for me
Its not BUN as thats only Nitrofen so the mmol level is the same but the mg level is higher ( I think by a factor 16/7 since Urea is CH₄N₂O, andthe quoted BUN max is 24 so that allsoundsaboutright)

I am booked up for Dr's to talk about this but would like to ask here too

This coincides exactly with my diet change to low carb
Not a strict "Insert Diet Name Here" of any kind - just eating less carbs
I did read that a high protein diet can do this (which is the same as saying eating less carbs), but you know the internet ...

Anyone know anything about this?

Seems nothing to worry about - my creatinine & my electrolyte (sodium, potassium & calcium) values are in range

What other tests are used with urea to check how my kidneys are functioning?
Urea and creatinine are often the first tests that are used to check how well the kidneys are able to filter waste products from your blood. Your doctor may also request electrolyte tests such as sodium and potassium, or calcium to help understand how your kidneys are functioning.

The above site seems to be reliable, and I am repeatedly reading that high protein diet can cause high Urea values

Since high Urea is just a signal of kidney damage, I am assuming that in itself its not harmful
I am still to find out just what 'high' level is, I know I am out of normal range, but some other things you have to be 10's or 100's of times for it to be called 'high'

After I talk to the Doc (June 30th) I'll report back
Hope you are able to get some reassurance when you speak to the Dr @Essex

Look forward to hearing your updates

Just got back from the Docs and she said its nothing to worry about because:

(1) Despite the sudden increase (which was very probably due to my change to a higher protein diet) the levels are not particularly high, and they are almost certainly due to not drinking enough water (you have to drink more water if you eat more protein to avoid this she said). I kind of knew I wasnt drinking enough water - its hot here and I forget.

(2) Further, the other test for 'Creatininémia' (In Portuguese - I think its 'creatine kinase' in English?) is the main one for Kidney trouble and I'm fine on that one. It did go up when I started the diet but not above the 1.3 limit and then it came down even more than my 'normal'

So, hope that helps someone else in the future and I can now relax and go and drink some more water :D
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