Upset stomach


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Think I’m heading for a diverticulitis diagnosis. Don’t know how to cope with it with my type one. Have a bout this morning and tummy feels lousy. The thought of 8 units of insulin and the possibility of me being sick on my breakfast is frightening me. How would one deal with that ? Emergency services?
So sorry to hear about the upset tum @gillrogers :(

If this becomes a semi-regular event I think you’d need to adjust your dose strategy, perhaps taking all or part of your breakfast dose after you have successfully eaten.

During periods of intercurrent illness (eg D&V caused by a virus) your BGs would be likely to be raised anyway, which would ‘soak up’ some of the insulin. And you might perhaps sip full glucose/sugar soft drink if you suddenly couldn’t keep anything down.

But for an ongoing condition, obviously that wouldn’t work long-term. But there’s also no need to take a fixed dose, larger than the meal size you can comfortably manage. And then to be stressed about trying to consume the required carbs.

Would it be easier to eat a much smaller breakfast? Or to graze through the morning with several smaller intakes of carbs spaced out?
Thanks Mike, I did a think of having just half my breakfast, have no idea what to graze on Tummy’s settled down a bit now. So might just have half of it.
Think I’m heading for a diverticulitis diagnosis. Don’t know how to cope with it with my type one. Have a bout this morning and tummy feels lousy. The thought of 8 units of insulin and the possibility of me being sick on my breakfast is frightening me. How would one deal with that ? Emergency services?
Sorry to hear you may have that condition and hopefully a good treatment strategy will help you.
There is lots of information about gut conditions on the website of the charity Guts. UK
Sorry to hear you may have that condition and hopefully a good treatment strategy will help you.
There is lots of information about gut conditions on the website of the charity Guts. UK
Thanks, I’ll have a look
I have diverticulitis it’s very common . My advise is if you start to feel unwell eat less, therefore take less insulin. Diverticulitis is an ongoing condition we have to live with it and manage our diet. Avoid foods that you know will upset your stomach. Mine is tomatoes and lots of veg in one go. I also have to deal with gastric dumping syndrome, no big and/or fatty meals, and bowel adhesions, no seeds, no skins, no nuts, low fibre, It’s a daily struggle. Trial and error is the only way forward.
Would it be easier to eat a much smaller breakfast? Or to graze through the morning with several smaller intakes of carbs spaced out?
Hi, had some breakfast, had half my usual , so far so good . Actually realised I was actually hungry. Tummy’s settled down now.
I have diverticulitis it’s very common . My advise is if you start to feel unwell eat less, therefore take less insulin. Diverticulitis is an ongoing condition we have to live with it and manage our diet. Avoid foods that you know will upset your stomach. Mine is tomatoes and lots of veg in one go. I also have to deal with gastric dumping syndrome, no big and/or fatty meals, and bowel adhesions, no seeds, no skins, no nuts, low fibre, It’s a daily struggle. Trial and error is the only way forward.
Thanks for the tips eggy, Yes, my Dad has it as does a friend. Last night I had a homemade spaghetti with tinned tomatoes and I chucked a bigger than usual onion in it. I’m gluten intolerant anyway so stay away from anything with gluten already. It’s doesn’t let up does it. ‍♀️