Upset by silly comment

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I finding myself in a really silly position and couldnt think of anyone else to explain it to other than you guys.
Ive just finished by night shift and was on my way home listening to galaxy fm to the 'he said she said' segment which always has me in stitches in the car and they were doing a question from a lady saying she had got a bit tubby and her bf had asked her to lose weight and when one of the presenters (who are very blunt but funny) was giving advice he said he was hoping that the bf was in good shape and not a 'poster boy for diabetes' and im not really sure why but it upset me so when i got in a phoned the show and spoke to the producer i explained that it wasnt a complaint but that i took offence to it as i have diabetes and its not my fault, im not fat, i exercise and try and eat healthy and to imply that i did this to myself was slightly insulting and if he could just remember that when using phrases like that. He was really nice on the phone and said he understood and would take it back to the presenter (i hope he does) like i said im not one to complain but it really stuck in my throat and when i said good bye to the guy and hung up i realised i had tears streaming down my cheek and its so silly i know but it just goes to show that some people really dont get diabetes and how much comments can hurt including myself i didnt know i could get upset over a silly comment.
I just felt like i needed to share that and i only had one place i could go to do that 🙂
Hi Emzi I can understand why you got upset as I also listen to them on galaxy as well and i know the guy you mean he can be very blunt as you say, Im well impressed you rang in id not of had the bottle but well done and im pleased the producer is going to let the guy know, sometimes being on the radio they think they have a ticket to just say what they want as no one can see there face etc,your far from being silly either Emzi xx
Thank you for sticking up for us all Emzi. I am T2 and overweight-something which I feel I have to constantly apologise for and to be honest is the root of why I find shifting the weight a battle.

I come from a family background of people who put on weight easily - it is a fact not an excuse, so we have to work really hard at it - the negative attitude by the media and some of the general public makes us feel ashamed and surprise we comfort eat is it?

I think T2 has had so much adverse publicity lately that it is assumed we are all hopeless at controlling our lifestyles and those of our kids - how wrong can they be - it is such a shame that the media does not highlight the difference between T1 and T2 so that at least T1's won't be tarred with the same brush.

How about this - my GP practice has 400 diabetic patients and we have to wait ages for an appointment with the visiting diabetic specialist. Every now and again they hold raffles to raise funds for the surgery and when I went in last week for a checkup there were 8 huge Easter eggs on display - I asked my nurse why they don't raffle fruit baskets - she laughed :(
Thank you for sticking up for us all Emzi. I am T2 and overweight-something which I feel I have to constantly apologise for and to be honest is the root of why I find shifting the weight a battle.

I come from a family background of people who put on weight easily - it is a fact not an excuse, so we have to work really hard at it - the negative attitude by the media and some of the general public makes us feel ashamed and surprise we comfort eat is it?

I think T2 has had so much adverse publicity lately that it is assumed we are all hopeless at controlling our lifestyles and those of our kids - how wrong can they be - it is such a shame that the media does not highlight the difference between T1 and T2 so that at least T1's won't be tarred with the same brush.

How about this - my GP practice has 400 diabetic patients and we have to wait ages for an appointment with the visiting diabetic specialist. Every now and again they hold raffles to raise funds for the surgery and when I went in last week for a checkup there were 8 huge Easter eggs on display - I asked my nurse why they don't raffle fruit baskets - she laughed :(

Sounds typical of my surgery Dame if i went in there they would be raffling of bags of sugar.
Some people can be very insensitive.

Maybe we should have a competition to nominate our own poster boy/ girl for diabetes. You could have Sir Steve Redgrave and Halle Berry. There are probably many other choices but as part of an education concept it might work.
oooh, I'd avoid Halle Berry if it's for education purposes, she has some very strange opinions when it comes to diabetes...seem to remember the quotes were that she 'worked herself up from T1 to T2' and 'weaned herself off insulin'. Such a shame she has such strange ideas as she could be such a good example if only her facts were straightened out.
Now Stephen Redgrave, he can definately be the diabetes poster boy, great example!
That is a brilliant idea- maybe we could persuade one of the DUK to sort it🙂
It is a really insensitive comment & Im not suprised you got upset by it. People can be very stupid..

Some people can be very insensitive.

Maybe we should have a competition to nominate our own poster boy/ girl for diabetes. You could have Sir Steve Redgrave and Halle Berry. There are probably many other choices but as part of an education concept it might work.

Or a group shot of lovely ladies n gents from here. My little photographically creative mind is thinking of a widescreen shape shot of a line of diabetics of all sizes on a white background with text saying;

above - "We all have the same condition.."
below - "We are not all the same"

Me n my camera are at the disposal of the masses if needed :D😛:D
It is a really insensitive comment & Im not suprised you got upset by it. People can be very stupid..

Or a group shot of lovely ladies n gents from here. My little photographically creative mind is thinking of a widescreen shape shot of a line of diabetics of all sizes on a white background with text saying;

above - "We all have the same condition.."
below - "We are not all the same"

Me n my camera are at the disposal of the masses if needed :D😛:D

Brilliant idea! I think you should put it forward to DUK.

I'd also like to thank you for sticking up for us all Emzi. You'd think after Jonathan and Russel, they'd be a bit more thoughtful!
It is brilliant you rang the programme. Silly comments upset me too. I think if more of us made a stand to educate and inform the people that get listened to, it might educate a wider audience. I think you were very brave!
Oh my life.....not Halle Berry. Do NOT get me started on her. *rages quietly*

I didn't know any of that stuff about her trying to wean herself of insulin, I was just thinking of someone who didn't fit into people's stereotypical impressions - and challenging that.

So maybe when someone says something to you along the lines of poster boy or girl for diabetes you can give an answer such as you mean <name> and it would make them challenge their beliefs.

I do think that idea of having all shapes and sizes would be a goodway to go in terms of getting the general public thinking.
Lucy Beale from Eastenders is a type 1.

Shane Board - Harry Potter stunt double is type 1. He is great. He came to Friends for Life conference last year and spoke to the kids and then helped out looking after them and played with them and stayed for the whole weekend. He is a singer as well. His mum has a page on fb and raises huge amounts for diabetes.
I am so proud fo you Emzi 🙂 I know it all upset you, but you should be prud for doing what you did and thank you for speaking up.

Like what thedame says, I find I constantly am apologising or excusing myself because of my weight and people think I have done this to myself.

There should be a standard or breach of broadcasting that this contravines? (?sp). Shame on him.

I would like to tell him that in an email. Perhaps we should email on mass through the website?
Or perhaps he can come and have a look at the web site, appologise to us through the site, then appologise on air and ive us some advertising?
Or perhaps he can come and have a look at the web site, appologise to us through the site, then appologise on air and ive us some advertising?

Loving your work there Caroline!!! 🙂
Ah really? Im not full- weird. will sort it though!

Thanks hon x
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