Upset by Metformin

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Ghost Hunter

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi I have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes for about 18 months now and at first controlled it with diet alone. However back in November I was put on Metformin and heared that it gave some people bad stomachs so didnt actually start taking it until January (as I didnt want to have tummy troubles over Christmas / new year).

Anyway I had an upset stomach which settled then as I doubled the dose like the instructions stated I had twice the tummy troubles! Anyway I put up with this for a month and stopped taking the tablets. Then at an appointment with a dietician I mentioned the fact the tablets gave me an upset stomach and I was reluctant to take them. She said I should try and start taking them again as it was just as much psycologicl than physical as to why I didnt like taking them (ie because I knew they were going to cause dihorrea my mind was telling me subconsciously I would always suffer with this.

Anyway I did restart and yes went through the upset tummy phase again but persevered and it did settle down evenually. Then it came back (long after I had doubled the dose) and so I have now stopped taking them again recently as couldnt cope with the urgent dashes 🙄

I am due to see my GP tomorrow for my HBA1C results, amongst other routine blood tests plus others to see why weight gain despite eating healthily, I recently had done and wondered if there was an alternative to taking Metformin? Also (and appologies in advance) can Metformin trigger 'time of the month'? Reasons for asking I wont go into detail to spare you all 😉

Hi I have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes for about 18 months now and at first controlled it with diet alone. However back in November I was put on Metformin and heared that it gave some people bad stomachs so didnt actually start taking it until January (as I didnt want to have tummy troubles over Christmas / new year).

Anyway I had an upset stomach which settled then as I doubled the dose like the instructions stated I had twice the tummy troubles! Anyway I put up with this for a month and stopped taking the tablets. Then at an appointment with a dietician I mentioned the fact the tablets gave me an upset stomach and I was reluctant to take them. She said I should try and start taking them again as it was just as much psycologicl than physical as to why I didnt like taking them (ie because I knew they were going to cause dihorrea my mind was telling me subconsciously I would always suffer with this.

Anyway I did restart and yes went through the upset tummy phase again but persevered and it did settle down evenually. Then it came back (long after I had doubled the dose) and so I have now stopped taking them again recently as couldnt cope with the urgent dashes 🙄

I am due to see my GP tomorrow for my HBA1C results, amongst other routine blood tests plus others to see why weight gain despite eating healthily, I recently had done and wondered if there was an alternative to taking Metformin? Also (and appologies in advance) can Metformin trigger 'time of the month'? Reasons for asking I wont go into detail to spare you all 😉

Dear Ghost Hunter,

Yes, there are a number of other diabetic medications, be sure to ask about them when you see your GP. Metformin is the drug of choice because people tend to not gain as much weight as other drugs which stimulate insulin secretion, and because with Metformin there is only a very small possibility of hypos. As to the TOM issue - sorry I'm the wrong gender! You can see from my signature that I chose the diet only route and I believe that if you can live without carbohydrates, which I admit is not easy, it is possible to obtain blood sugar control which is better than any that can be achieved with drugs. I have said this many times: "If you don't put glucose (i.e. carbohydrate) into your body - how can you have high blood sugars".

Regards Dodger
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The tummy troubles do ease with the metformin, so you need to be patient, If it is too much of a problem chat to your doctor. It took me over 18 months to settle with the metformin. If I don't eat enough I still get problems and als if I have too much sweet stuff.

If you can persevere, do so, but it might also pay to talk to your doctor or care team.
Hi Caroline

Thats a lot of good advice thank you and actually confirms what I have been thinking 🙂 Care team - what care team?!

C*5_Dodger Thanks for the advice I will discuss this tomorrow with my GP and also look into a no carbs diet as not heared of this one before now. 🙂

Thanks for replies

I have just seen my diabetic Nurse today , and I am not having really bad problems with the Metformin like you are. She told me to go back if mine don't settle as we can try the slow realease version which folks don't seem to have as many problems with.
i want to stop metformin personally it plays havoc with me
I can understand where your coming from Steph.

Im not a regular eater I must admit, I seem to miss the hunger signs if im not hungry so dont eat. Most days I eat in the evening for the sake of having to eat or I would go a day without. On the other side if I dont eat I can get moody and irritable! Ive been on DESMOND course and Food For Thought course and know the principals of healthy eating etc but I just cant seem to make the good routine last. :( I also have a naughty habit of snacking in the evening after my dinner (which I can actually avoid so more of a routine than a bad habbit) and addictive as the more sweet food I eat the more I want but I do stop myself with cravings as I recognise the spiral.

I just wonder if there is there any help I can get from my non existing support team to help me become a regular eater?

Thanks :confused:
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Just have another question sorry 😱

At my appointment tomorrow should I ask if I can start testing? I know I have Type 2 but I really dont understand it still! :(

I was put on Metformin in January and completely lost my appetite feeling nauseas all the time, sometimes a cannot clean my teeth without gagging. Now off Metformin and on insulin but still not eating well. The nurse at my GPs surgery only seems to think of Metformin and I have had a real struggle to be signed on at the diabetic clinic at my loca hospital where I am now getting excellent treatment. I have felt really ill all year but hope it will soon improve. Joan
Just have another question sorry 😱

At my appointment tomorrow should I ask if I can start testing? I know I have Type 2 but I really dont understand it still! :(

Dear Ghost Hunter,

Yes you should ask to start testing - there is a view, amoung some professional that type 2s do not need to test, but if you try the low carbohydrate route your meter is an indispensable part of your control. You need to learn what foods you can tolerate - we are all different! You should also be aware that a low/controlled carbohydrate approach will probably be frowned upon by your diabetes team - why is beyond me but thats just the way it is.

Warmest Regards Dodger
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yes definelty ask about testing i started instantly ,

r/e the metformin just leaves that metally taste in my mouth and even if im having a drink of water which is worse it just totally messes up my pallet

Thanks everyone for the replies at least I know im not the only one having so much discomfort on Metformin!

Off to see my GP soon so will report back soon.

Thanks again

Just have another question sorry 😱

At my appointment tomorrow should I ask if I can start testing? I know I have Type 2 but I really dont understand it still! :(


Yes do start testing. I find it very useful, and yesterday was a good example. I went out with the nursery so had lunch early. I tested before lunch and was 8.3, a little high I know, but not too high . I decided not to take a tablet because I was going to be active. When I came home about 4 hours later I was 7.3. The test gave me the reassurance I had done the right thing.

Testing will show you which foods will make you spike and which ones will help keep things even. I have been doing seated tai chi with hubby who has osteoarthritis, I test before I start and after I have finished and almost always the numbers are lower, so I make sure now the bag of jelly babies are handy just in xase!

Ask the DSN for a meter, or see if you can blag one from one of the companies. As you are on medication, you can get the test strips and the lancets on prescription. Wih the white card they are free, but even for those who have to pay for the prescription it is still cheaper than buying the things!
Well all came back as 'ok' no problems with thyroid, liver, kidneys or anything on blood tests done except one small rise in white blood cell count. I have had this once before so assume its often a blip as I havent been aware of my body fighting any infections. GP didnt seem concerned.

HBA1C was I think 6.6, which she said was slighly raised but still borderline. I was really surprised as I havent been taking Metformin and haven't even been very good eating habbits😱. So it goes to confirm I dont understand these things and to be honest I dont understand anything to do with type 2 diabetes :confused: Finding it all so hard to get to grips with even 18 months after diagnosis and DESMOND course. I feel I have no back ups no support and have only just found out there is a support group meeting in a nearby town to me but as I have difficulty with transport I dont think I can get there.

Dont know what last HBA1C reading was as I forget to make a note, too busy trying to remember questions I have to ask next.

Asked about testing was told probably better not to with type 2 not necessary and might send me in a flap anyway if I did as confusing! Have to have a HBA1C blood test every 2 or 3 months give me a better overall longterm view than anual or 6 months.

Couldnt explain excessinve tiredness or weight gain as Thyroid blood test came back ok. Said I more than likely fall into the category classed as 'Metabolic Syndrome' and as she described it some people are naturally slim as they have a high digestive rate others have a slow metabolism meaning it takes longer to digest food properly so more of it gets stored as fat around our middle area!

Need to find the level at wich my body burns calories
and take a bit more off and I will lose weight. Probably find I dont actually need many compared to most. Can join a club if I find it more helpful or go it alone!

Blood pressure still up but less than last test a month ago, no change in tablet strength. Cholesterol not much change but it not as high as it was so keep taking the tablets lol.

Discussed Metformin troubles and she has now put me on Metformin Slow Release to see if this makes any difference. Still 500mg but instead of one tablet twice a day with lunch and dinner now 2 tablets in the morning with breakfast! Trouble is they're huge tablets! 😱

Anyway was told there are other alternatives but I would benefit more from Metformin if I can stick with it. Although she happy to change it if still find I cant tollerate.

So overall no answers to the reason why I feel so awful and tired but on a positive not a lot wrong I suppose. Now sat here thinking im none the wiser than when I was in the waiting room! 🙄

Thanks everybody though for all your help.
pleased you got seen though , like many others i think the majority of us go into a room with the gpand come out none the wiser it's like we get dumbstruck and dont ask questions, do you take the pill form of metformin ghost??
Hi STeph

Yes I take tablets, didnt know there was anything else but I dont know much in the first place 🙄

hiya ghost yes they is a powder form of metformin , dont worry we all been there you will learn as you go along xx
Thanks Steph. Are there much difference in benefits to powder or tablet form? 🙂
I dont know i have only used the pill as yet
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